The lancet oncology
The lancet oncology · Jul 2011
ReviewThe ribonucleotide reductase large subunit (RRM1) as a predictive factor in patients with cancer.
The large subunit of human ribonucleotide reductase, RRM1, is involved in the regulation of cell proliferation, cell migration, tumour and metastasis development, and the synthesis of deoxyribonucleotides for DNA synthesis. It is also a cellular target for the chemotherapeutic agent, gemcitabine. RRM1 has been studied in a large number of patients with different types of cancer, such as non-small-cell lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, breast cancer, and biliary tract cancer, to establish its prognostic or predictive value when patients were treated with gemcitabine, and mRNA expression and genetic variants as determined by genotyping have in some cases been associated with clinical outcome of patients with cancer. Here, we review preclinical and clinical studies of RRM1 assessment and discuss the further steps in the development of this clinically pertinent biomarker.
The lancet oncology · Jun 2011
ReviewResponse assessment in neuro-oncology (a report of the RANO group): assessment of outcome in trials of diffuse low-grade gliomas.
Although low-grade gliomas (LGG) have a less aggressive course than do high-grade gliomas, the outcome of these tumours is ultimately fatal in most patients. Both the tumour and its treatment can cause disabling morbidity, particularly of cognitive functions. Because many patients present with seizures only, with no other signs and symptoms, maintenance of quality of life and function constitutes a particular challenge in LGG. ⋯ This Review investigates clinical and imaging endpoints in trials of LGG, and provides response assessment in neuro-oncology (RANO) criteria for non-enhancing tumours. Additionally, other measures for patients with brain tumours that assess outcome are described. Similar considerations are relevant for trials of high-grade gliomas, although for these tumours survival is shorter and survival endpoints generally have more value than they do for LGG.
The lancet oncology · Jun 2011
ReviewNo paradox, no progress: inverse cancer comorbidity in people with other complex diseases.
In the past 5 years, several leading groups have attempted to explain why individuals with Down's syndrome have a reduced risk of many solid tumours and an increased risk of leukaemia and testicular cancer. Niels Bohr, the Danish physicist, noted that a paradox could initiate progress. We think that the paradox of a medical disorder protecting against cancer could be formalised in a new model of inverse cancer morbidity in people with other serious diseases. ⋯ Intriguingly, most comorbidities are neuropsychiatric or CNS disorders. We provide a brief overview of evidence indicating genetic and molecular connections between cancer and these complex diseases. Inverse comorbidity could be a valuable model to investigate common or related pathways or processes and test new therapies, but, most importantly, to understand why certain people are protected from the malignancy.
The lancet oncology · May 2011
Review Meta AnalysisGenetic variants associated with breast-cancer risk: comprehensive research synopsis, meta-analysis, and epidemiological evidence.
More than 1000 reports have been published in the past two decades on associations between variants in candidate genes and risk of breast cancer. Results have been generally inconsistent. We did a literature search and meta-analyses to provide a synopsis of the current understanding of the genetic architecture of breast-cancer risk. ⋯ US National Cancer Institute.
In March, 2010, a group of breast cancer experts met to develop a consensus statement on breast cancer prevention, with a focus on medical and therapeutic interventions. We present the conclusions in this Review. First we agreed that the term chemoprevention is inappropriate and suggested that the term preventive therapy better represents this feature of management. ⋯ Other agents, such as aspirin, other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, COX-2 inhibitors, retinoids, rexinoids, and dietary components have limited effects or are in the early phases of investigation. New contralateral tumours in women with breast cancer might be generally useful as a model for prevention, as has been seen for tamoxifen. If valid such a model would facilitate the design of simpler, cheaper, and better-focused trials for assessing new agents.