The lancet oncology
The lancet oncology · Mar 2009
ReviewManagement of chemotherapy-associated hepatotoxicity in colorectal liver metastases.
Effective systemic drugs are increasingly used to treat patients with colorectal liver metastases. Recent trials have shown that chemotherapy can reduce the size of metastases that are unresectable rendering them resectable, and decrease postoperative recurrence rates in patients with initially resectable tumours. The increasing use of chemotherapy for colorectal liver metastases has raised awareness of the potential hepatotoxicities induced by systemic drugs and the effects of these drugs on outcome after hepatic resection. In this Review, we outline the rationale for the use of perioperative chemotherapy for colorectal liver metastases, associations between specific agents and patterns of liver injury, and strategies to treat patients with suspected or known chemotherapy-associated hepatotoxicity.
Delirium is a frequent complication in oncology. Its definition as a disorder of consciousness, attention, and cognition is useful to elaborate a rational framework of its pathophysiology and to interpret the role of different aetiological factors and therapeutic interventions. Many aetiologies and an interaction between risk and predisposing factors have been shown to contribute to most cases of delirium. ⋯ The palliative treatment of symptoms of delirium includes non-pharmacological, environmental, and preventive interventions and the use of haloperidol. If haloperidol fails to control delirium, sedation with other drugs can be necessary. Specific attention to the qualitative aspects of care and to the effect of delirium on family members should be given in the overall assessment of the patient in his or her cancer trajectory.
The lancet oncology · Jan 2009
ReviewNew-onset diabetes: a potential clue to the early diagnosis of pancreatic cancer.
Pancreatic cancer has a dismal prognosis because cancer-specific symptoms occur only at an advanced stage. If the cancer is to be discovered early, screening will need to be done in asymptomatic individuals. Because the incidence of pancreatic cancer is low, screening for asymptomatic cancer in the general population is not feasible; therefore, screening will need to be restricted to people at high risk of this disease. ⋯ Recognition of new-onset diabetes as an early manifestation of pancreatic cancer could lead to the diagnosis of asymptomatic, early-stage pancreatic cancer. However, primary type-2 diabetes is common in the general population and pancreatic cancer is relatively uncommon, and the two forms of diabetes are clinically indistinguishable. The success of a strategy using new-onset hyperglycaemia and diabetes as a screening tool to identify people with a high likelihood of having asymptomatic pancreatic cancer will depend largely on our ability to differentiate pancreatic-cancer-associated diabetes from the more common type-2 diabetes by use of a (serological) biomarker.
The lancet oncology · Jan 2009
ReviewEffects of comorbidity on screening and early diagnosis of cancer in elderly people.
There is currently little data showing that older adults can derive benefit from cancer screening. Advancing age is associated with an increasing prevalence of cancer and other chronic conditions, or comorbidity, and questions remain about the interactions between comorbidity and cancer screening in the elderly population. In this Review, we assess the available evidence on the effects of comorbidity on cancer screening in elderly individuals. ⋯ Decisions on cancer screening in older adults should be based on an appropriate assessment of each individual's health status and life expectancy, the benefits and harms of screening procedures, and patient preferences. We suggest that Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment might be a necessary step to identify candidates for cancer screening in the elderly population. Specific clinical trials should be done to improve the evidence and show the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of cancer screening in older adults.
Although it is widely believed that ovarian epithelial tumours arise in the coelomic epithelium that covers the ovarian surface, it has been suggested that they could instead arise from tissues that are embryologically derived from the Müllerian ducts. This article revisits this debate by discussing recent epidemiological and molecular biological findings as well as evidence based on histopathological observations of surgical specimens from individuals with familial ovarian cancer predisposition. ⋯ An argument is made that primary ovarian epithelial tumours, fallopian tube carcinomas, and primary peritoneal carcinomas are all Müllerian in nature and could therefore be regarded as a single disease entity. Although a substantial proportion of cancers currently regarded as of primary ovarian origin arise in the fimbriated end of the fallopian tube, this site cannot account for all of these tumours, some of which are most likely derived from components of the secondary Müllerian system.