The lancet oncology
The lancet oncology · Nov 2023
ReviewA framework for standardised tissue sampling and processing during resection of diffuse intracranial glioma: joint recommendations from four RANO groups.
Surgical resection represents the standard of care for people with newly diagnosed diffuse gliomas, and the neuropathological and molecular profile of the resected tissue guides clinical management and forms the basis for research. The Response Assessment in Neuro-Oncology (RANO) consortium is an international, multidisciplinary effort that aims to standardise research practice in neuro-oncology. These recommendations represent a multidisciplinary consensus from the four RANO groups: RANO resect, RANO recurrent glioblastoma, RANO radiotherapy, and RANO/PET for a standardised workflow to achieve a representative tumour evaluation in a disease characterised by intratumoural heterogeneity, including recommendations on which tumour regions should be surgically sampled, how to define those regions on the basis of preoperative imaging, and the optimal sample volume. ⋯ Sampling of liquid biopsies is also addressed. A standardised workflow for subsequent handling of the resected tissue is proposed to avoid information loss due to decreasing tissue quality or insufficient clinical information. The recommendations offer a framework for prospective biobanking studies.
The lancet oncology · Oct 2023
ReviewGlobal oncology research and training at US National Cancer Institute-designated cancer centres: results of the 2021 Global Oncology Survey.
Global oncology research and training are crucial to address the growing global burden of cancer, which largely and increasingly occurs in low-income and middle-income countries. To better understand global oncology activities at the 71 National Cancer Institute (NCI)-designated cancer centres, the US NCI Centre for Global Health regularly surveys cancer centre directors, global oncology leads, and principal investigators in 36 US states and the District of Columbia. The survey results complement internal and publicly available data about global oncology research funded directly by the US National Institutes of Health to provide a comprehensive catalogue of global oncology research, training, and activities led by NCI-designated cancer centres. 91% (61 of 67) of responding cancer centres reported global oncology activities not directly funded by the National Institutes of Health. The survey results indicate that global oncology is an important priority at cancer centres and provide a valuable resource for these centres, researchers, collaborators, trainees, and the NCI and other funders.
The lancet oncology · Oct 2023
ReviewMeasuring ovarian toxicity in clinical trials: an American Society of Clinical Oncology research statement.
Anticancer agents can impair ovarian function, resulting in premature menopause and associated long-term health effects. Ovarian toxicity is not usually adequately assessed in trials of anticancer agents, leaving an important information gap for patients facing therapy choices. ⋯ ASCO recommends: (1) measurement of ovarian toxicity in relevant clinical trials of anticancer agents that enrol post-pubertal, pre-menopausal patients; (2) collection of ovarian function measures at baseline and at 12-24 months after anticancer agent cessation, as a minimum, and later in line with the trial schedule; and (3) assessment of both clinical measures and biomarkers of ovarian function. ASCO recognises that routine measurement of ovarian toxicity and function in cancer clinical trials will add additional complexity and burden to trial resources but asserts that this issue is of such importance to patients that it cannot continue to be overlooked.
The lancet oncology · Sep 2023
Meta AnalysisTreatment-related mortality in children with cancer in low-income and middle-income countries: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Approximately 90% of children with cancer live in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs), where 5-year survival is lower than 20%. Treatment-related mortality in high-income countries is approximately 3-5%; however, in LMICs, treatment-related mortality has been reported in up to 45% of children with cancer. This study aimed to systematically explore the burden of treatment-related mortality in children with cancer in LMICs and to explore the association between country income level and treatment-related mortality. ⋯ American Lebanese Syrian Associated Charities and National Cancer Institute.
The lancet oncology · Sep 2023
ReviewFinancial hardship in families of children or adolescents with cancer: a systematic literature review.
Financial hardship in childhood cancer contributes to poor health outcomes and global disparities in survival, but the extent of the financial burden on families is not yet fully understood. We systematically reviewed financial hardship prevalence and individual components characterising financial hardship across six domains (medical, non-medical, and indirect costs, financial strategies, psychosocial responses, and behavioural responses) and compared characteristics across country income levels using an established theory of human needs. ⋯ Components characterising financial hardship spanned the six domains and showed variation across country income contexts, yet a synthesis of existing literature cannot establish whether these are true differences in characterisation or burden. Our findings emphasise a crucial need to implement a data-driven methodological framework with validated measures to inform effective policies and interventions to address financial hardship in childhood cancer.