The lancet oncology
The lancet oncology · Feb 2023
ReviewPharmaceutical industry relationships with oncologists in sub-Saharan Africa.
Health-care systems in sub-Saharan Africa are considered to be new markets for pharmaceutical companies. This perception is particularly relevant within oncology, as the pharmaceutical industry has changed strategic priorities in the past 10 years to focus on cancer. Since the 1930s, pharmaceutical companies have used advertisements, sample drugs, gifts, paid speaking engagements, advisory boards, and trips to conferences to influence clinical practice and policy. ⋯ Although there are undoubtedly risks of industry engagement in low-income and middle-income countries, many programmes with educational, research, and clinical value would not occur in these countries without industry support. Thus, what is known about these relationships in high-income countries will not necessarily apply in low-income and middle-income countries. There is a need for widespread discussion about industry-oncologist interactions across the African continent and context-specific data to understand the potential risks and benefits of these relationships.
The lancet oncology · Feb 2023
ReviewDefining genomic, transcriptomic, proteomic, epigenetic, and phenotypic biomarkers with prognostic capability in male breast cancer: a systematic review.
Although similar phenotypically, there is evidence that male and female breast cancer differ in their molecular landscapes. In this systematic review, we consolidated all existing prognostic biomarker data in male breast cancer spanning genetics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and epigenetics, and phenotypic features of prognostic value from articles published over a 29-year period (March 16, 1992, to May 1, 2021). ⋯ We also recognised STC2, DDX3, and DACH1 as underexploited markers of male-specific prognostic value in breast cancer. Finally, beyond describing the cumulative knowledge on the extensively researched markers oestrogen receptor-α, progesterone receptor, HER2, androgen receptor, and BRCA2, we highlighted ATM, CCND1, FGFR2, GATA3, HIF1-α, MDM2, TP53, and c-Myc as well studied predictors of poor survival that also aligned with several hallmarks of cancer.
The lancet oncology · Feb 2023
ReviewDefining genomic, transcriptomic, proteomic, epigenetic, and phenotypic biomarkers with prognostic capability in male breast cancer: a systematic review.
Although similar phenotypically, there is evidence that male and female breast cancer differ in their molecular landscapes. In this systematic review, we consolidated all existing prognostic biomarker data in male breast cancer spanning genetics, transcriptomics, proteomics, and epigenetics, and phenotypic features of prognostic value from articles published over a 29-year period (March 16, 1992, to May 1, 2021). ⋯ We also recognised STC2, DDX3, and DACH1 as underexploited markers of male-specific prognostic value in breast cancer. Finally, beyond describing the cumulative knowledge on the extensively researched markers oestrogen receptor-α, progesterone receptor, HER2, androgen receptor, and BRCA2, we highlighted ATM, CCND1, FGFR2, GATA3, HIF1-α, MDM2, TP53, and c-Myc as well studied predictors of poor survival that also aligned with several hallmarks of cancer.
The lancet oncology · Feb 2023
ReviewRecommendations on the use of item libraries for patient-reported outcome measurement in oncology trials: findings from an international, multidisciplinary working group.
The use of item libraries for patient-reported outcome (PRO) measurement in oncology allows for the customisation of PRO assessment to measure key health-related quality of life concepts of relevance to the target population and intervention. However, no high-level recommendations exist to guide users on the design and implementation of these customised PRO measures (item lists) across different PRO measurement systems. To address this issue, a working group was set up, including international stakeholders (academic, independent, industry, health technology assessment, regulatory, and patient advocacy), with the goal of creating recommendations for the use of item libraries in oncology trials. ⋯ Nine primary research questions were identified that formed the scope and structure of the recommendations on how to select items and implement item lists created from item libraries. These recommendations address methods to drive item selection, plan the structure and analysis of item lists, and facilitate their use in conjunction with other measures. The findings resulted in high-level, instrument-agnostic recommendations on the use of item-library-derived item lists in oncology trials.
The lancet oncology · Jan 2023
ReviewEuropean Groundshot-addressing Europe's cancer research challenges: a Lancet Oncology Commission.
Cancer research is a crucial pillar for countries to deliver more affordable, higher quality, and more equitable cancer care. Patients treated in research-active hospitals have better outcomes than patients who are not treated in these settings. However, cancer in Europe is at a crossroads. ⋯ Crucial to a functioning cancer research strategy and its translation into patient benefit is the need for a greater emphasis on health policy and systems research, including implementation science, so that the innovative technological outputs from cancer research have a clear pathway to delivery. This European cancer research Commission has identified 12 key recommendations within a call to action to reimagine cancer research and its implementation in Europe. We hope this call to action will help to achieve our ambitious 70:35 target: 70% average 10-year survival for all European cancer patients by 2035.