The lancet oncology
The lancet oncology · Jun 2008
Multicenter StudyGalectin-3-expression analysis in the surgical selection of follicular thyroid nodules with indeterminate fine-needle aspiration cytology: a prospective multicentre study.
In the USA, about 30 200 well-differentiated thyroid carcinomas were diagnosed in 2007, but the prevalence of thyroid nodules is much higher (about 5% of the adult population). Unfortunately, the preoperative characterisation of follicular thyroid nodules is still a challenge, and many benign lesions, which remain indeterminate after fine-needle aspiration (FNA) cytology are referred to surgery. About 85% of these thyroid nodules are classified as benign at final histology. We aimed to assess the diagnostic effect of galectin-3 expression analysis in distinguishing preoperatively benign from malignant follicular thyroid nodules when FNA findings were indeterminate. ⋯ Our findings show that if the option of surgery was based theoretically on galectin-3 expression alone, only 134 thyroid operations would have been done in 465 patients; therefore a large proportion (71%) of unnecessary thyroid surgical procedures could be avoided, although a number of galectin-3-negative cancers could be potentially missed. The galectin-3 test proposed here does not replace conventional FNA cytology, but represents a complementary diagnostic method for those follicular nodules that remain indeterminate.
The lancet oncology · May 2008
Multicenter Study Comparative StudyProstate-cancer mortality in the USA and UK in 1975-2004: an ecological study.
There is no conclusive evidence that screening based on serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA) tests decreases prostate-cancer mortality. Since its introduction in the USA around 1990, uptake of PSA testing has been rapid in the USA, but much less common in the UK. Our aim was to study trends over time in prostate-cancer mortality and incidence in the USA and UK in 1975-2004, and compare these patterns with trends in screening and treatment. ⋯ The striking decline in prostate-cancer mortality in the USA compared with the UK in 1994-2004 coincided with much higher uptake of PSA screening in the USA. Explanations for the different trends in mortality include the possibility of an early effect of initial screening rounds on men with more aggressive asymptomatic disease in the USA, different approaches to treatment in the two countries, and bias related to the misattribution of cause of death. Speculation over the role of screening will continue until evidence from randomised controlled trials is published.
The lancet oncology · Apr 2008
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter StudyThe UK Standardisation of Breast Radiotherapy (START) Trial A of radiotherapy hypofractionation for treatment of early breast cancer: a randomised trial.
The international standard radiotherapy schedule for breast cancer treatment delivers a high total dose in 25 small daily doses (fractions). However, a lower total dose delivered in fewer, larger fractions (hypofractionation) is hypothesised to be at least as safe and effective as the standard treatment. We tested two dose levels of a 13-fraction schedule against the standard regimen with the aim of measuring the sensitivity of normal and malignant tissues to fraction size. ⋯ The data are consistent with the hypothesis that breast cancer and the dose-limiting normal tissues respond similarly to change in radiotherapy fraction size. 41.6 Gy in 13 fractions was similar to the control regimen of 50 Gy in 25 fractions in terms of local-regional tumour control and late normal tissue effects, a result consistent with the result of START Trial B. A lower total dose in a smaller number of fractions could offer similar rates of tumour control and normal tissue damage as the international standard fractionation schedule of 50 Gy in 25 fractions.
The lancet oncology · Apr 2008
Multicenter Study Classical ArticleFludarabine and mitoxantrone followed by yttrium-90 ibritumomab tiuxetan in previously untreated patients with follicular non-Hodgkin lymphoma trial: a phase II non-randomised trial (FLUMIZ).
Follicular lymphoma is the most common form of lymphoma in Europe and the USA. In this prospective, single-arm, open-labelled, multicentre non-randomised phase II trial (FLUMIZ [FLUdarabine, MItoxantrone, Zevalin] trial) we aimed to assess the efficacy and safety of fludarabine and mitoxantrone plus radioimmunotherapy in untreated patients with follicular non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL). ⋯ This trial has provided evidence for the feasibility, tolerability, and efficacy of fludarabine and mitoxantrone plus (90)Y-ibritumomab tiuxetan in untreated patients with follicular NHL.
The lancet oncology · Mar 2008
Multicenter StudyCancer incidence in women with Turner syndrome in Great Britain: a national cohort study.
Turner syndrome, one of the most common cytogenetic abnormalities, is characterised by complete or partial X-chromosome monosomy. Cancer risks in women with Turner syndrome have not been clearly established. We aimed to compare the risk of cancer in women with this syndrome with that of the general population. ⋯ This study shows that, in addition to having an increased risk of gonadoblastoma, women with Turner syndrome seem to be at increased risk for meningioma and childhood brain tumours, and possibly bladder cancer, melanoma, and corpus uteri cancer, but are at a decreased risk for breast cancer. Reasons for these risks might relate to genetic and hormonal factors or to the effects of hormonal treatments given to women with Turner syndrome.