The lancet oncology
The lancet oncology · Feb 2018
Multicenter Study Comparative StudyGermline BRCA mutation and outcome in young-onset breast cancer (POSH): a prospective cohort study.
Retrospective studies provide conflicting interpretations of the effect of inherited genetic factors on the prognosis of patients with breast cancer. The primary aim of this study was to determine the effect of a germline BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation on breast cancer outcomes in patients with young-onset breast cancer. ⋯ Cancer Research UK, the UK National Cancer Research Network, the Wessex Cancer Trust, Breast Cancer Now, and the PPP Healthcare Medical Trust Grant.
The lancet oncology · Feb 2018
Review Comparative StudyTackling cancer burden in low-income and middle-income countries: Morocco as an exemplar.
Examples of successful implementations of national cancer control plans in low-income or middle-income countries remain rare. Morocco, a country where cancer is already the second leading cause of death after cardiovascular diseases, is one exception in this regard. Population ageing and lifestyle changes are the major drivers that are further increasing the cancer burden in the country. ⋯ Several features of the development and implementation of the NPCPC and health-care financing in Morocco provide exemplars for other low-income and middle-income countries to follow. Additionally, from the first 5 years of NPCPC, several areas were shown to require further focus through implementation research, notably in strengthening cancer awareness, risk reduction, and the referral pathways for prevention, early detection, treatment, and follow-up care. Working together with a wide range of stakeholders, and engagement with stakeholders outside the health-care system on a more holistic approach can provide further opportunities for the national authorities to build on their successes and realise the full potential of present and future cancer control efforts in Morocco.
The lancet oncology · Feb 2018
ReviewPopulation-based cancer screening programmes in low-income and middle-income countries: regional consultation of the International Cancer Screening Network in India.
The reductions in cancer morbidity and mortality afforded by population-based cancer screening programmes have led many low-income and middle-income countries to consider the implementation of national screening programmes in the public sector. Screening at the population level, when planned and organised, can greatly benefit the population, whilst disorganised screening can increase costs and reduce benefits. ⋯ In this Series paper, we report outcomes of the first regional consultation of the ICSN held in Agartala, India (Sept 5-7, 2016), which included discussions from cancer screening programmes from Denmark, the Netherlands, USA, and Bangladesh. We outline six essential elements of population-based cancer screening programmes, and share recommendations from the meeting that policy makers might want to consider before implementation.
The lancet oncology · Feb 2018
ReviewCancer surveillance in northern Africa, and central and western Asia: challenges and strategies in support of developing cancer registries.
The Global Initiative for Cancer Registry Development partnership, led by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), was established in response to an overwhelming need for high-quality cancer incidence data from low-income and middle-income countries. The IARC Regional Hub for cancer registration in North Africa, Central and West Asia was founded in 2013 to support capacity building for cancer registration in each of the countries in this region. In this Series paper, we advocate the necessity for tailored approaches to cancer registration given the rapidly changing cancer landscape for this region, and the challenges faced at a national level in developing data systems to help support this process given present disparities in resources and health infrastructure. In addition, we provide an overview of the status of cancer surveillance and activities country-by-country, documenting tailored approaches that are informing local cancer-control policy, and potentially curbing the growing cancer burden across the region.
The lancet oncology · Feb 2018
Multicenter StudyMany FDA-approved cancer drugs might lack clinical benefit.