Journal of orthodontics
Journal of orthodontics · Jun 2013
Great expectations: what do patients expect and how can expectations be managed?
Patients' expectations of their treatment are a key determinant in their satisfaction with treatment. Expectations may encompass not only notions of the outcome of treatment, but also the process of treatment. This article explores the processes by which expectations are formed, differences in expectations across patient groups, and the psychopathology of individuals with unrealistic expectations of treatment manifest in body dysmorphic disorder.
Journal of orthodontics · Jun 2011
Level of knowledge and understanding of informed consent amongst the training grade group orthodontists in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
To assess the level of knowledge and understanding of informed consent in UK orthodontic trainees. ⋯ There was a disappointingly high proportion of incomplete answers to questions testing the knowledge and understanding of the law as it pertains to informed consent exists amongst members of the TGG of BOS.
Journal of orthodontics · Dec 2002
An audit of the current consent practices of consultant orthodontists in the UK.
To collect information on the current consent practices of consultant orthodontists for orthodontic and joint orthognathic treatment. ⋯ Consent practice amongst consultant orthodontists varies, with 35 per cent providing neither written information nor seeking written consent prior to orthodontic or joint orthognathic treatment.