Journal d'urologie
Anuria complicating urethrocystopexy is generally an obstructive uropathy. No urinary tract dilatation had been observed in these two following cases. The rupture of the collecting system, with urinary extravasation, is due to acute ureteral obstruction and furosemide associated. ⋯ However, this exploration can fail to demonstrate obstruction. Urgent percutaneous nephrostomy appears to be the best curative method. Surgical liberation of the trapped ureters is almost necessary.
Anesthetic technique in surgery for pheochromocytoma presents well recognized difficulties. Major complications (hypertensive crises, rhythm disturbances, collapse, pulmonary edema and hypoglycemia) can often be avoided by a good preoperative examination and full per-operative monitoring. The choice of drugs during anesthesia and per-operative resuscitation are discussed in this article together with particular situations such as pheochromocytoma in pregnancy or the per-operative discovery of a previously unrecognized pheochromocytoma.
Renal abscess is rather an uncommon lesion caused predominantly by an urogenic infection. The authors report 21 cases in a period of 10 years. ⋯ The evolution of the therapeutic modes is studied, with a special reference to the percutaneous drainage which is to substitute the classical surgery of this abscess. For the authors, treated in the right time and in the right way, renal abscess is nowadays a benign lesion, preserving a good prognosis for the kidney and the patient.
Emergency surgery in three cases of accidental urethral rupture during coitus involved suture of the tunica albuginea corpus cavernosum and immediate repair of the urethra under cover of a urethral guide and a cystostomy. The three perfect results obtained, with normal micturition and more particularly normal erections, together with data from reports in the published literature, strongly suggest the need for urgent repair of traumatic lesions of the corpora cavernosae during coitus. The possibility of a urethral rupture makes urgent operation even more essential, before the patient urinates, to avoid transformation of a traumatic hematoma into a urohematoma.