Current diabetes reports
Current diabetes reports · Nov 2020
Review Meta AnalysisThe Role of Aspirin for Preeclampsia Prevention in Women with Diabetes.
A diagnosis of type I or type 2 diabetes confers heightened risk for virtually every obstetric and perinatal complication, with the incidence of superimposed preeclampsia representing a particularly high-risk scenario. Over the past three decades, studies have investigated the role of aspirin in preeclampsia prevention, yielding some promising results for certain at-risk groups, yet unconvincing evidence of benefit among women with pre-pregnancy diabetes. The purpose of this review is to present the current evidence base for aspirin use in pregnancy as a means of mitigating preeclampsia risk in the setting of pregestational type I or type 2 diabetes. ⋯ Meta-analysis data examining low-dose aspirin for preeclampsia prevention in at-risk and low-risk women has demonstrated modest benefit, but subanalyses of cohorts with diabetes have failed to demonstrate a beneficial effect. Evidence is emerging that indicates a benefit only among women who initiate aspirin therapy prior to 16 weeks' gestation, and uncertainty exists surrounding the effective dose. In light of equipoise surrounding the potential role of aspirin for prevention of preeclampsia in women with diabetes, current research is targeted at determining clinical efficacy of aspirin in this high-risk obstetric population.
Current diabetes reports · Oct 2020
ReviewThe Road to Approval: a Perspective on the Role of Icosapent Ethyl in Cardiovascular Risk Reduction.
Epidemiological studies have long suggested the cardiovascular benefits of omega-3 fatty acids (OM3FAs). However, until recently, clinical trials using OM3FAs have been largely negative with respect to their cardioprotective effects. In this review, we aim to summarize key clinical trials, examine the clinical benefits of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and potential mechanisms, and review the changes in guidelines and recommendations. ⋯ The Reduction of Cardiovascular Events with Icosapent Ethyl-Intervention Trial (REDUCE-IT) has demonstrated significant cardiovascular mortality benefits of purified EPA ethyl ester, with a 25% relative risk reduction in major cardiovascular events. As first of its class to be approved, icosapent ethyl offers a new option to further reduce cardiovascular risks in patients already treated with maximally tolerated statins.
Current diabetes reports · Feb 2020
ReviewPolicy Implications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Diabetes Management.
Machine learning (ML) is increasingly being studied for the screening, diagnosis, and management of diabetes and its complications. Although various models of ML have been developed, most have not led to practical solutions for real-world problems. There has been a disconnect between ML developers, regulatory bodies, health services researchers, clinicians, and patients in their efforts. Our aim is to review the current status of ML in various aspects of diabetes care and identify key challenges that must be overcome to leverage ML to its full potential. ⋯ ML has led to impressive progress in development of automated insulin delivery systems and diabetic retinopathy screening tools. Compared with these, use of ML in other aspects of diabetes is still at an early stage. The Food & Drug Administration (FDA) is adopting some innovative models to help bring technologies to the market in an expeditious and safe manner. ML has great potential in managing diabetes and the future is in furthering the partnership of regulatory bodies with health service researchers, clinicians, developers, and patients to improve the outcomes of populations and individual patients with diabetes.
Current diabetes reports · Nov 2019
ReviewLowering Targeted Atherogenic Lipoprotein Cholesterol Goals for Patients at "Extreme" ASCVD Risk.
To review randomized interventional clinical and imaging trials that support lower targeted atherogenic lipoprotein cholesterol goals in "extreme" and "very high" atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) risk settings. Major atherosclerotic cardiovascular event (MACE) prevention among the highest risk patients with ASCVD requires aggressive management of global risks, including lowering of the fundamental atherogenic apolipoprotein B-associated lipoprotein cholesterol particles [i.e., triglyceride-rich lipoprotein remnant cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), and lipoprotein(a)]. LDL-C has been the long-time focus of imaging studies and randomized clinical trials (RCTs). The 2004 adult treatment panel (ATP-III) update recognized that the long-standing targeted LDL-C goal of < 100 mg/dL potentially fostered substantial undertreatment of the very highest coronary heart disease (CHD) risk individuals and was lowered to < 70 mg/dL as an "optional" goal for "very high" 10-year CHD [CHD death + myocardial infarction (MI)] risk exceeding 20%. This evidence-based guideline change was supported by the observed benefits demonstrated in the high-risk primary and secondary prevention populations in the Heart Protection Study (HPS), the acute coronary syndrome (ACS) population in the Pravastatin or Atorvastatin Evaluation and Infection Therapy-Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction 22 trial (PROVE-IT), and the secondary prevention population in the Reversal of Atherosclerosis with Aggressive Lipid Lowering (REVERSAL) intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) study. Subsequent national and international guidelines maintained a targeted LDL-C goal < 70 mg/dL, or a threshold for management of > 70 mg/dL for patients with CHD, CHD risk equivalency, or ASCVD. ⋯ Subgroup or meta-analyses of several RCTs, IVUS imaging studies, and the ACS population in IMProved Reduction of Outcomes: Vytorin Efficacy International Trial (IMPROVE-IT) supported the evidence-based 2017 American Association Clinical Endocrinologist (AACE) guideline change establishing a targeted LDL-C goal < 55 mg/dL, non-HDL-C < 80 mg/dl, and apolipoprotein B (apo B) < 70 mg/dL for patients at "Extreme" ASCVD risk, i.e., 10-year 3-point-MACE-composite (CV death, non-fatal MI, or ischemic stroke) risk exceeding 30%. Moreover, with no recognized lower-limit-associated intolerance or safety issues, even more intensive lowering of atherogenic cholesterol levels is supported by the following evidence base: (1) analysis of eight high-intensity statin-based prospective secondary prevention IVUS atheroma volume regression trials; (2) a distribution analysis of on-treatment, ezetimibe and background-statin, of the very low LDL-C levels reached and CVD event risk in the IMPROVE-IT ACS population; (3) the secondary prevention Global Assessment of Pl\aque Regression With a PCSK9 Antibody as Measured by Intravascular Ultrasound (GLAGOV) on background-statin; and (4) the secondary prevention population of Further Cardiovascular Outcomes Research with PCSK9 Inhibition in Subjects with Elevated Risk (FOURIER). By example, in FOURIER, the population on background-statin at a baseline median 92 mg/dL achieved median LDL-C level of 30 mg/dL and non-HDL-C to < 65 mg/dl, and apo B to < 50 mg/dL, and subgroup and post hoc analyses all demonstrated additional ASCVD event reduction benefits as LDL-C was further reduced. The level of ASCVD risk determines the degree, urgency, and persistence in global risk management, including fundamental atherogenic lipoprotein cholesterol particle lowering. "Extreme" risk patients may require extremely low targeted LDL-C, non-HDL-C and apo B goals; such efforts, implied by more recent interventional trials and analyses, are aimed at maximal atheroma plaque regression, stabilization, and MACE event reduction with the aspiration of improved quality lifespan.
Current diabetes reports · Nov 2019
ReviewGlycemic Management in the Operating Room: Screening, Monitoring, Oral Hypoglycemics, and Insulin Therapy.
This review provides a literature update and practical outline for the management of diabetes and stress hyperglycemia for adult surgical patients in the pre- and intraoperative settings. ⋯ Hyperglycemia in surgical patients has been associated with increased risk of complication in both diabetic and non-diabetic patients in the perioperative setting. While current recommended perioperative blood glucose target is < 180 mg/dL (10 mmol/L), optimal outcomes may require different treatment targets for diabetic versus non-diabetic patients. Hemoglobin A1C level is associated with elevated risk of hyperglycemia and adverse outcomes, but there is insufficient evidence to recommend routine preoperative testing or optimal values in elective surgical patients. Day of surgery blood glucose testing and treatment are recommended in the perioperative period, and anesthetic management includes appropriate patient selection for use of subcutaneous insulin, intravenous insulin infusions, and insulin pumps. Additionally, administration of both intravenous and perineural dexamethasone is associated with increased blood glucose levels and clinicians should consider the risk benefit ratio in surgical patients. For enhanced recovery after surgery protocols, further evidence is needed to support routine use of carbohydrate loading in diabetic patients. Optimal perioperative care includes screening at-risk patients, use of preoperative oral hypoglycemics and home insulin, anesthetic type and medication selection, blood glucose testing, and treatment for hyperglycemia in the operating room. Partnerships with surgery and endocrinology teams aid optimal postoperative management and discharge planning.