Current allergy and asthma reports
Perioperative anaphylaxis is a life-threatening condition with an estimated prevalence of 1:3,500 to 1:20,000 procedures and a mortality rate of up to 9 %. Clinical presentation involves signs such as skin rash, urticaria, angioedema, bronchospasm, tachycardia, bradycardia, and hypotension. Prompt recognition and treatment is of utmost importance to the patient's prognosis, since clinical deterioration can develop rapidly. ⋯ The main agents involved in IgE-mediated perioperative anaphylaxis are neuromuscular blocking agents, latex, antibiotics, hypnotics, opioids, and colloids. Specific investigation should be conducted 4 to 6 weeks after the reaction and relies on skin tests, serum-specific IgE, and challenge procedures. This review aims to discuss the main aspects of perioperative anaphylaxis: risk factors, diagnosis, treatment, culprit agents, specific investigation, and preventive measures.
Irritant-induced asthma in the workplace has been the focus of several articles in the past few years, and reviewed here. A clinical case definition is most readily associated with a single acute/accidental exposure to a presumed high concentration of an agent or agents expected to be irritant to the airways, as was initially reported with the subgroup Reactive Airways Dysfunction Syndrome (RADS). ⋯ However, in addition, there is evolving understanding from epidemiological studies that chronic exposures may be associated with an increased risk of developing asthma. Despite this recognition, the mechanisms and clinical case definitions of work-related asthma that might be caused by chronic exposures to irritants (vs. new-onset asthma that begins coincidentally to work exposures), remain unclear at present.
Curr Allergy Asthma Rep · Oct 2013
ReviewAsthma microbiome studies and the potential for new therapeutic strategies.
Recent applications of culture-independent tools for microbiome profiling have revealed significant relationships between asthma and microbiota associated with the environment, gut, or airways. Studies of the airway microbiome in particular represent a new frontier in pulmonary research. ⋯ In this article, recent literature on microbiota and asthma are critically reviewed, with a particular focus on studies of the airway microbiome. Perspectives are presented on how growing knowledge of relationships between the microbiome and asthma is likely to translate into improved understanding of asthma pathogenesis, its heterogeneity, and opportunities for novel treatment approaches.
Curr Allergy Asthma Rep · Oct 2013
ReviewWhich biomarkers are effective for identifying Th2-driven inflammation in asthma?
Recognition of asthma as a heterogeneous disease revealed different potential molecular targets and urged the development of targeted, customized treatment modalities. Evidence was provided for different inflammatory subsets of asthma and more recently, further refined to T helper (Th)2-high and Th2-low subphenotypes with different responsiveness to standard and targeted pharmacotherapy. Given these differences in immunology and pathophysiology, proof of concept studies of novel treatment modalities for asthma should be performed in adequate, well-defined phenotypes. In this review, we describe both existing and novel biomarkers of Th2-inflammation in asthma that can be applied to classify asthma subphenotypes in clinical studies and for treatment monitoring.
Curr Allergy Asthma Rep · Oct 2013
ReviewThe relationship between advances in understanding the microbiome and the maturing hygiene hypothesis.
Expanding knowledge about an interaction of the bacterial colonization with pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacteria and the human immune system leads to speculation on potential effects on health and disease. Recent advances in sequencing technologies and new bioinformatic possibilities now allow investigating the microbes that colonize the human gut, skin and airways in more detail. ⋯ There are ongoing attempts to establish intervention strategies aimed at modifying initial colonization patterns in early life. While results from animal models, in-vitro data and epidemiological studies encourage the concept of a relationship between the microbiome and the development of allergic diseases, the transfer of these findings to intervention strategies still seems to be a major challenge.