Best practice & research. Clinical obstetrics & gynaecology
Endocrine emergencies in pregnancy are rare and are more likely to occur in the absence of good obstetric care. Serious thyroid and diabetes related events in pregnancy are more common because of their higher prevalence in the normal population. ⋯ A high index of suspicion is needed for early diagnosis, and medical treatment is directed primarily at maintaining maternal hemodynamic stability. A close liaison between an endocrinologist, maternal-fetal specialist and intensivist is critical in optimising both maternal and fetal outcomes.
Infections during pregnancy are relatively prevalent, and the majority of cases are managed well in the community. Occasionally, however, infections may be life-threatening. Sepsis may be associated with multiple organ dysfunction and a high mortality. ⋯ Health-care services in low-income countries face particular problems that account for an increased incidence of puerperal sepsis and maternal mortality. These include lack of access to health care, septic abortions and a greater incidence of human immunodeficiency virus. The key to management of sepsis is early recognition, aggressive resuscitation, antibiotic administration and source control.
Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol · Dec 2013
ReviewMaternal mortality and morbidity: epidemiology of intensive care admissions in pregnancy.
Maternal mortality reviews are used globally to assess the quality of health-care services. With the decline in the number of maternal deaths, it has become difficult to derive meaningful conclusions that could have an impact on quality of care using maternal mortality data. The emphasis has recently shifted to severe acute maternal morbidity (SAMM), as an adjunct to maternal mortality reviews. ⋯ However, women at the severe end of the spectrum of severe morbidity will almost invariably receive intensive care. Notwithstanding these limitations, the epidemiology of intensive care admissions in pregnancy will provide valuable data about women with severe morbidity. The overall rate of obstetric ICU admission varies from 0.04% to 4.54%.
Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy are one of the leading causes of peripartum morbidity and mortality globally. Hypertensive disease in pregnancy is associated with a spectrum of severity, ranging from mild pregnancy-induced hypertension to eclampsia. Although most cases of pre-eclampsia may be managed successfully, severe pre-eclampsia is a life-threatening multisystem disease associated with eclampsia, HELLP (haemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelets) syndrome, acute kidney injury, pulmonary oedema, placental abruption and intrauterine foetal death. ⋯ In addition to anti-hypertensive agents, close attention should be given to regular clinical examination, assessment of fluid balance, neurologic status and monitoring of other vital signs. Magnesium sulphate should be considered early to prevent seizures. Delivery of the baby is the definitive management of severe pre-eclampsia.
Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol · Dec 2013
ReviewProvision of critical care services for the obstetric population.
Management of the peripartum patient is a challenging aspect of critical care that requires consideration of both the physiological changes associated with pregnancy as well as the well-being of the foetus. In the UK, for every maternal death, approximately 118 near-miss events or severe acute maternal morbidities (SAMMs) occur. While a dedicated anaesthetic cover is usually provided on larger labour wards in the UK and US, a close communication with intensive care and other medical specialties must still be maintained. ⋯ The countries with the highest maternal mortality rates have the lowest number of ICU beds per capita. In under-resourced countries, patients admitted to ICUs tend to have higher illness severity scores, suggesting delayed admission to the ICU. The appropriate training of midwives is essential for successful HDUs located within labour wards.