Journal of pain & palliative care pharmacotherapy
A case of cervicobrachialgia is presented in which the patient expressed fear of becoming addicted to opioids. Alternative analgesic approaches including anticonvulsants, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), and physical therapy are discussed. ⋯ Paineurope is provided as a service to pain management by Mundipharma International, LTD and is distributed free of charge to healthcare professionals in Europe. Archival issues can be accessed via the website: at which European health professionals can register online to receive copies of the quarterly publication.
Curriculum development processes and guidelines in Europe are discussed. Both medical and nursing education are addressed and the goals of interprofessional education are described. The need to involve other professional liaison groups is described. ⋯ This report is adapted from paineurope 2014; Issue 2, ©Haymarket Medical Publications Ltd, and is presented with permission. Paineurope is provided as a service to pain management by Mundipharma International, LTD and is distributed free of charge to healthcare professionals in Europe. Archival issues can be accessed via the website: at which European health professionals can register online to receive copies of the quarterly publication.
At the May 2014 meeting of the World Health Assembly, the assembly passed a resolution intended to reduce barriers to palliative care. T4eh resolution calls for integrating palliative care into national health services. It contains recommendation on improved availability and access to such care and calls for it to be included in national health policies and budgets. The full resolution with commentary is presented.