The spine journal : official journal of the North American Spine Society
Comparative Study
Effects of scoliosis on respiratory muscle strength in patients with neuromuscular disorders.
Neuromuscular disorders (NMD) are characterized by loss of lung volume and respiratory muscle weakness, but the effects of scoliosis on lung function are unclear. ⋯ Both inspiratory and expiratory muscle strength were diminished in patients with NMD compared with healthy controls. Significant differences were also noted in pulmonary function in patients with NMD with or without scoliosis. This suggests that NMD may impact respiratory function independently of the effects of scoliosis. Clinicians treating patients with NMD should be aware of the possibility of compromised respiratory function in these patients to address possible complications.
Anterior corpectomy and reconstruction with bone graft and a rigid screw-plate construct is an established procedure for treatment of cervical neural compression. Despite its reliability in relieving symptoms, there is a high rate of construct failure, especially in multilevel cases. ⋯ This study suggests that screw divergence from the end plates not only increases load transmission to the graft but also predisposes the screws to higher shear forces after corpectomy reconstruction. In particular, the inferior screw demonstrated larger stress than the upper-level screws. In the proposed hybrid fusion model, lower stresses on the bone graft, end plates, and bone-screw interface were recorded, inferring lower construct failure (end-plate fractures and screw pullout) potential at the inferior construct end.
Morbidity associated with autologous bone graft harvest is an important factor in determining the utility of expensive alternatives such as recombinant bone morphogenic protein. The most frequently reported complication associated with graft harvest is chronic pain. ⋯ There is a significant rate of persistent pain and morbidity from iliac crest bone graft harvest when associated with elective spine surgery. Mean pain scores progressively decline over the first postoperative year. Nevertheless, harvest site pain remains functionally limiting in a significant percentage of patients 1 year after surgery. Rates of functional limitation are higher than previously reported and may be because of increased sensitivity of the prospective study design and targeted investigation of these specific symptoms. Validity of these findings is necessarily limited by patient ability to discriminate harvest site pain from alternative sources of back and buttock pain.
Low back pain (LBP) is associated with high health-care utilization and lost productivity. Numerous interventions are routinely used, although few are supported by strong evidence. Cost utility analyses (CUAs) may be helpful to inform decision makers. ⋯ Few CUAs were identified for LBP, and there was heterogeneity in the interventions compared, direct cost components measured, indirect costs, other methods, and results. Reporting quality was mixed. Currently published CUAs do not provide sufficient information to assist decision makers. Future CUAs should attempt to measure all known direct cost components relevant to LBP, estimate indirect costs such as lost productivity, have a follow-up period sufficient to capture meaningful changes, and clearly report methods and results to facilitate interpretation and comparison.
Multicenter Study
Two-year fusion and clinical outcomes in 224 patients treated with a single-level instrumented posterolateral fusion with iliac crest bone graft.
Reported fusion rates for spine fusions using iliac crest bone graft (ICBG) vary between 40% and 100% because of different fusion techniques, patient comorbidity, diagnosis and assessment criteria. ⋯ In a large series of patients who had primary single-level instrumented posterolateral fusion with ICBG, evidence of bridging bone on fine-cut CT scans improved with time to 83.9% at 24 months. Significant improvement from baseline was noted in all clinical outcome measures at all time intervals with 75% achieving minimum clinically important difference (MCID) for ODI and 66% achieving MCID for SF-36 PCS.