Articles: analgesics.
Review Meta Analysis
Placebo and nocebo responses in randomised controlled trials of drugs applying for approval for fibromyalgia syndrome treatment: systematic review and meta-analysis.
The superiority of true drug treatment over placebo in reducing symptoms of fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) is small and bought by relevant rates of drop-outs due to adverse events. Recent systematic reviews demonstrated that a substantial proportion of the beneficial and adverse effects of true drug is attributable to placebo in chronic pain trials. We determined the magnitude of the placebo and nocebo response and its impact on the benefits and harms of true drug in trials of drugs which were submitted for approval for treatment of FMS. ⋯ The magnitude of placebo and nocebo response in trials of drugs applying for approval for FMS treatment was substantial. Study investigators aim to reduce placebo response. By contrast, clinicians often utilise placebo effects. Strategies to reduce nocebo responses in clinical trials and practice should be developed.
Review Meta Analysis
Interventions for alleviating cancer-related dyspnea: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Dyspnea is commonly encountered by many cancer patients in the terminal stage of their disease and it severely hampers their quality of life. We aimed to evaluate the role of interventions to alleviate dyspnea. ⋯ Our systematic review and meta-analysis demonstrate a beneficial effect to opioids in alleviating cancer-related dyspnea, and no advantage for the use of oxygen.
Postoperative pain management remains a significant challenge after abdominal surgery. ⋯ Perioperative systemic lidocaine may be a useful adjunct for postoperative pain management by decreasing postoperative pain intensity, reducing opioid consumption, facilitating GI function, and shortening length of hospital stay.
Cochrane Db Syst Rev · Sep 2012
Review Meta AnalysisInhaled analgesia for pain management in labour.
Many women would like to have a choice in pain relief during labour and also would like to avoid invasive methods of pain management in labour. Inhaled analgesia during labour involves the self-administered inhalation of sub-anaesthetic concentrations of agents while the mother remains awake and her protective laryngeal reflexes remain intact. Most of the agents are easy to administer, can be started in less than a minute and become effective within a minute. ⋯ Inhaled analgesia appears to be effective in reducing pain intensity and in giving pain relief in labour. However, substantial heterogeneity was detected for pain intensity. Furthermore, nitrous oxide appears to result in more side effects compared with flurane derivatives. Flurane derivatives result in more drowsiness when compared with nitrous oxide. When inhaled analgesia is compared with no treatment or placebo, nitrous oxide appears to result in even more side effects such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness and drowsiness. There is no evidence for differences for any of the outcomes comparing one strength verus a different strength of inhaled analgesia, comparing different delivery systems or comparing inhaled analgesia with TENS.
Int J Clin Pharm Th · Sep 2012
Meta AnalysisPopulation pharmacokinetic meta-analysis of intranasal fentanyl spray as a means to enrich pharmacokinetic information for patients with cancer breakthrough pain.
The development of intranasal fentanyl (INFS) aimed for a rapid treatment of breakthrough pain (BTP) in cancer patients. The pharmacokinetics (PK) of INFS was well characterized in healthy subjects, while PK investigations in cancer patients are limited. ⋯ A robust population PK model for INFS was developed. The model enhances the understanding of fentanyl PK after INFS dosing in cancer patients with BTP, a population for whom real-life data would be very hard to obtain.