Articles: analgesics.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study
Gabapentin for chronic pelvic pain in women (GaPP2): a multicentre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.
Chronic pelvic pain affects 2-24% of women worldwide and evidence for medical treatments is scarce. Gabapentin is effective in treating some chronic pain conditions. We aimed to measure the efficacy and safety of gabapentin in women with chronic pelvic pain and no obvious pelvic pathology. ⋯ National Institute for Health Research.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study
Evolution of Analgesic Tolerance and Opioid-Induced Hyperalgesia over 6 months: Double-blind randomized trial incorporating experimental pain models.
Contributors to the ongoing epidemic of prescription opioid abuse, addiction, and death include opioid tolerance, withdrawal symptoms, and possibly opioid-induced hyperalgesia (OIH). Thirty stable chronic nonmalignant pain patients entered a 6-month long, randomized, double-blind, dose-response, 2-center trial of the potent opioid levorphanol, conducted over a decade ago during an era of permissive opioid prescribing. Eleven were taking no opioids at study entry and eleven were taking between 35 and 122 morphine equivalents. ⋯ TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT00275249 Evolution of Analgesic Tolerance With Opioids PERSPECTIVE: A double-blind, 6-month, high-dose opioid feasibility trial, completed years ago, provides critically important data for clinically defining analgesic tolerance and OIH. Overall benefit was small, and 18% of patients had evidence of both tolerance and OIH. Future work requires a different approach than a classic randomized controlled trial design.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Sep 2020
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter StudyEffect of Midazolam in Addition to Propofol and Opiate Sedation on the Quality of Recovery After Colonoscopy: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
There is a concern that midazolam, when used as a component of sedation for colonoscopy, may impair cognition and prolong recovery. We aimed to identify whether midazolam produced short- and longer-term effects on multiple dimensions of recovery including cognition. ⋯ The addition of midazolam 0.04 mg·kg as adjunct to propofol and opiate sedation for elective colonoscopy did not show evidence of any significant differences in recovery in the cognitive domain of the PostopQRS, overall quality of recovery as measured by the PostopQRS, or emergence and hospital discharge times. The use of midazolam should be determined by the anesthesiologist.
Severe burn patients undergo prolonged administration of sedatives and analgesics for burn care. There are currently no guidelines for the dose adaptation of sedation-analgesia in severe burn patients. ⋯ Scale-based lightening of continuous sedation-analgesia with repeated short general anesthesia for dressing is feasible in severe burn patients but failed to demonstrate a decrease in the duration of invasive mechanical ventilation.
Multicenter Study
A Multiyear Cross-sectional Study of Guideline Adherence for the Timeliness of Opioid Administration in Children With Sickle Cell Pain Crisis.
The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute evidence-based guidelines for timeliness of opioid administration for sickle cell disease (SCD) pain crises recommend an initial opioid within 1 hour of arrival, with subsequent dosing every 30 minutes until pain is controlled. No multisite studies have evaluated guideline adherence, to our knowledge. Our objective was to determine guideline adherence across a multicenter network. ⋯ Guideline adherence for timeliness of SCD treatment is poor, with half of visits adherent for time to first opioid and one seventh adherent for second dose. Dissemination and implementation research/quality improvement efforts are critical to improve care across EDs.