Articles: analgesics.
Both transversus abdominis plane (TAP) block and wound infiltration with local anaesthetic have been used to relieve pain after inguinal or infra-umbilical hernia repair. ⋯ There is moderate level evidence that TAP block provides superior analgesia compared with wound infiltration following inguinal or infra-umbilical hernia repair.
Meta Analysis
Opioid versus opioid-free analgesia after surgical discharge: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised trials.
Excessive opioid prescribing after surgery has contributed to the current opioid crisis; however, the value of prescribing opioids at surgical discharge remains uncertain. We aimed to estimate the extent to which opioid prescribing after discharge affects self-reported pain intensity and adverse events in comparison with an opioid-free analgesic regimen. ⋯ The Canadian Institutes of Health Research.
Intravenous dexamethasone modestly reduces post-caesarean section pain.
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Minerva anestesiologica · Jun 2022
Meta AnalysisRegional anesthesia techniques and postoperative delirium: systematic review and meta-analysis.
Postoperative delirium is a frequent occurrence in the elderly surgical population. As a comprehensive list of predictive factors remains unknown, an opioid-sparing approach incorporating regional anesthesia techniques has been suggested to decrease its incidence. Due to the lack of conclusive evidence on the topic, we conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to investigate the potential impact of regional anesthesia and analgesia on postoperative delirium. ⋯ These results show that postoperative delirium may be decreased when regional techniques are used in the postoperative period as an analgesic strategy. Intraoperative regional anesthesia alone may not decrease postoperative delirium since there are other factors that may influence this outcome.