Articles: analgesics.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study Comparative Study Clinical Trial
Postoperative pain management and recovery after remifentanil-based anaesthesia with isoflurane or propofol for major abdominal surgery. Remifentanil Study Group.
We have assessed if recovery times after morphine or fentanyl, given before terminating remifentanil anaesthesia with isoflurane or propofol, are compromised. We studied patients undergoing elective, major abdominal surgery, allocated randomly to receive remifentanil and isoflurane (n = 277) or remifentanil and propofol (n = 274) anaesthesia. ⋯ Recovery was rapid and at an Aldrete score > or = 9 (median 12-15 min), 42-51% of patients reported none or mild pain. However, 26-35% of patients reported severe pain and > 90% required a second dose of opioid within 21-27 min after anaesthesia.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Dec 1999
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study Comparative Study Clinical TrialA comparison of levobupivacaine 0.125%, fentanyl 4 microg/mL, or their combination for patient-controlled epidural analgesia after major orthopedic surgery.
Levobupivacaine, the isolated S(-) isomer of bupivacaine, is less cardiotoxic than racemic bupivacaine in animal studies. We studied the effectiveness of patient-controlled epidural analgesia (PCEA) with either levobupivacaine 0.125% or fentanyl 4 microg/mL alone, or a combination of levobupivacaine and fentanyl in 65 patients after total joint arthroplasty in a prospective, random, double-blinded fashion. Intraoperatively, all patients received 20 mL of 0.75% levobupivacaine. Study medication was infused at an initial rate of 4 mL/h, with additional medication available on patient demand (2 mL/10 min). The combination of levobupivacaine and fentanyl produced better analgesia (longer time to first PCEA request; P = 0.007 combination versus fentanyl and P = 0.006 combination versus levobupivacaine) than either drug alone. Patients in the levobupivacaine groups had appreciable sensory blockade to pinprick with minimal motor impairment. Resting and dynamic visual analog scale pain scores were lower in the combination group than in the plain fentanyl group at 6 (P = 0.022 and 0.036) and 12 h (P = 0.002 and 0.001). The 24-h overall patient- and investigator-rated visual analog scale pain scores were also lower in the combination group (resting P = 0.007, dynamic P = 0.005). There was no significant difference among the groups in the incidence of postoperative nausea (26.2%), pruritus (9.2%), hypotension (23.1%), or sedation (0%). We conclude that the analgesic effects of levobupivacaine 0.125% and fentanyl (4 microg/mL) are additive and beneficial for the management of orthopedic surgical pain by the PCEA method. Patients in this study began demand-dosing later, reported lower pain scores, and had no greater risk of adverse events than those who were given either levobupivacaine or fentanyl alone. ⋯ We demonstrated a significant additive effect of the combination of levobupivacaine (0.125%) and fentanyl (4 microg/mL), compared with either drug alone, when using patient-controlled epidural analgesia in patients after total joint arthroplasty.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Dec 1999
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study Comparative Study Clinical TrialA comparison of the analgesic efficacy of 0.25% levobupivacaine combined with 0.005% morphine, 0.25% levobupivacaine alone, or 0.005% morphine alone for the management of postoperative pain in patients undergoing major abdominal surgery.
We compared the relative efficacy of the combination of the single-isomer local anesthetic levobupivacaine and the opioid analgesic morphine versus both drugs alone for postoperative epidural analgesia after major abdominal surgical procedures. Thoracic epidural anesthesia was produced and maintained with levobupivacaine 0.75% in combination with general inhaled anesthesia without opioids. Patients were randomized to one of three postoperative treatment groups: 1) a combination of levobupivacaine 0.25% and morphine 0.005%; 2) levobupivacaine 0.25%; or 3) morphine 0.005%. Postoperatively, all epidural infusions were commenced at a rate of 4 mL/h. Patients could receive a 4 mL-bolus dose and an increase in the epidural infusion rate by 2 mL/h on request for supplemental analgesia. Patients were also allowed ketorolac as a supplemental analgesic at any time after the first analgesic request. Patients in the combination group had longer times to request for supplemental analgesia as compared with the levobupivacaine only group (P < 0.05) and a trend toward longer time to request as compared with the morphine only group (P = 0.066). Patients in the combination group had lower visual analog scale pain scores at rest and activity at 4 and 8 h and fewer requests for supplemental ketorolac (P < 0.05). In conclusion, this study demonstrates a significant improvement in postoperative analgesic efficacy with the combination of levobupivacaine and morphine for continuous epidural analgesia after major abdominal surgical procedures. ⋯ A significant improvement in postoperative analgesic efficacy is demonstrated with the thoracic epidural administration of the combination of the single-isomer local anesthetic levobupivacaine 0.25% and morphine 0.005% in patients after major abdominal surgical procedures as compared with either drug used alone.
Anasthesiol Intensivmed Notfallmed Schmerzther · Dec 1999
Multicenter Study[Respiratory and circulatory parameters as indicators of the postoperative analgesic demand in newborns and infants].
Due to immature cognitive functions, infants are unable to communicate their pain perception verbally. To assess postoperative analgesic demand, the anaesthetist has to rely on observational techniques. Generally, pain expression is considered to be a multidimensional phenomenon consisting of physiological, motor-reflex and behavioural patterns. The majority of observational approaches to pain assessment in infants use the behavioural dimension only, regardless of the fact that pain perception might contribute substantially to the stress response. The aim of this study is to evaluate, whether sensitivity and specificity of a behavioural pain scale (CHIPPS [1]) can be improved by adding physiological measures, especially those representing the stress response. ⋯ Despite the multidimensional approach and the corresponding multivariate analyses, a unidimensional scale consisting of behavioural items was found to be a valid indicator of an postoperative analgesic demand. Due to the lack of diagnostic properties and difficulties to obtain sound values even under research conditions, physiological measurements like blood pressure, respiratory rate and heart rate are not suitable for the assessment of a postoperative analgesic demand in infants, neither for clinical nor for research purposes.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study Clinical Trial
N of 1 randomised controlled trials of oral ketamine in patients with chronic pain.
Anecdotal reports suggest that the general anaesthetic drug ketamine, taken orally in low doses, can give rise to some extra analgesia in patients with refractory neuropathic pain. This study was designed to determine the proportion of patients with chronic neuropathic pain responding to oral ketamine, and then to separate the true treatment effect from non-specific effects by means of an n of 1 randomised controlled trial. Twenty-one patients gave informed consent and completed daily pain diaries and continued on their usual treatments (drug and non-drug) for the duration of the study. ⋯ We conclude that oral ketamine only gave rise to an extra analgesic response in three out of 21 patients with chronic neuropathic pain (14%). Adverse effects limited the use of the drug in almost half of the patients. The n of 1 trial was useful in demonstrating no true therapeutic effect for the ketamine in two thirds of the patients progressing to that part of the trial.