Articles: checklist.
To examine the reporting characteristics and key methodological factors of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) in the field of traditional Chinese medicine and assess whether use of the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) statement is associated with improvement in the quality of reports of RCTs. ⋯ Although a large room needs to improve the reporting of randomized clinical trials in traditional Chinese medicine, the impact for improvement of reporting of TCM RCTs has been proven in some extent.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study
The 5Cs of Consultation: Training Medical Students to Communicate Effectively in the Emergency Department.
Effective communication is critical for health care professionals, particularly in the Emergency Department (ED). However, currently, there is no standardized consultation model that is consistently practiced by physicians or used for training medical graduates. Recently, the 5Cs of Consultation model (Contact, Communicate, Core Question, Collaborate, and Close the Loop) has been studied in Emergency Medicine residents using simulated consultation scenarios. ⋯ Medical students can be trained to use the 5Cs model in a timely, inexpensive, and convenient manner and increase effectiveness of physician consultations originating from the ED.
Indian J Crit Care Med · Nov 2015
ReviewFramework for decision-making and management of end-of-life decisions in Intensive Care Units: A modified protocol.
End-of-life decisions are being made daily in Intensive Care Units worldwide. The spectrum of options varies from full-continued care, withholding treatment, withdrawing treatment, and active life-ending procedures depending on the institutional practices and legal framework. ⋯ It does make sense to have a protocol that ensures proper documentation and helps ease the physicians involved in such decisions. Clear documentation in the format of a checklist would ensure consistency and help the entire medical team to be uniformly informed about the end-of-life plan.
BMJ quality & safety · Nov 2015
ReviewReducing the incidence of oxyhaemoglobin desaturation during rapid sequence intubation in a paediatric emergency department.
Rapid sequence intubation (RSI) is the standard for definitive airway management in emergency medicine. In a video-based study of RSI in a paediatric emergency department (ED), we reported a high degree of process variation and frequent adverse effects, including oxyhaemoglobin desaturation (SpO2<90%). This report describes a multidisciplinary initiative to improve the performance and safety of RSI in a paediatric ED. ⋯ Following the simultaneous introduction of four interventions in a paediatric ED, RSI was performed more reliably, successfully and safely.
Anaesth Intensive Care · Nov 2015
Deviation from accepted drug administration guidelines during anaesthesia in twenty highly realistic simulated cases.
Deviations from accepted practice guidelines and protocols are poorly understood, yet some deviations are likely to be deliberate and carry potential for patient harm. Anaesthetic teams practice in a complex work environment and anaesthetists are unusual in that they both prescribe and administer the drugs they use, allowing scope for idiosyncratic practise. We aimed to better understand the intentions underlying deviation from accepted guidelines during drug administration in simulated cases. ⋯ Underlying reasons for deviations included a strong sense of clinical autonomy, poor clinical relevance and a lack of evidence for guidelines, ingrained habits learnt in early training, and the influence of peers. Guidelines are important in clinical practice, yet self-identified deviation from accepted guidelines was common in our results, and all but one of these events was judged to carry potential for patient harm. A better understanding of the reasons underlying deviation from accepted guidelines is essential to the design of more effective guidelines and to achieving compliance.