Articles: checklist.
The use of checklists in the pediatric intensive care unit can help improve the quality of care and patient safety. ⋯ This study resulted in a useful and valid instrument for application in interprofessional rounds that was tailored to the needs of local health care professionals.
J. Cardiothorac. Vasc. Anesth. · Aug 2022
Observational StudyMortality Reduction After a Preincision Safety Check Before Cardiac Surgery: Is It the Aorta?
The introduction and use of a preincision safety check were associated with lower mortality after mixed adult cardiac surgery; however, an explanatory mechanism is lacking. Stroke, one of the most severe complications after cardiac surgery, with high mortality, may be reduced by adapting the surgical handling of the ascending aorta. This study assessed the prevalence and predictors of this adaptation after a preincision safety check and the subsequent effect on outcome. ⋯ The adaptation of aortic surgical handling after a preincision safety check was necessary for 5.9% of cardiac surgeries, with extracardiac atherosclerosis as the strongest predictor. Outcome was not significantly different between patients with and without adaptation. Although promising, it remains unclear whether adaptation may fully explain mortality reduction after the use of a preincision safety check.