Articles: trauma.
Headache is the most overwhelmingly reported symptom following mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). The upper cervical spine has been implicated in headache etiology, and cervical dysfunction may result in neck pain that influences the experience of headache. Sleep problem is the second most reported symptom following mTBI. We explored the contribution of neck pain (as a potential proxy for cervical dysfunction) on headache burden along with the contribution of sleep quantity following mTBI. ⋯ Amongst service members who sought service from primary care, neck pain explains more variance in headache burden than mTBI history or sleep quantity, supporting that cervical dysfunction may be a salient factor associated with headache. Neck functioning may be a potential area of intervention in the management of headaches.
Traumatic orthopedic injuries are common and frequently associated with persistent pain, disability, and emotional distress. Risk factors of persistent pain and disability include pain catastrophizing and pain anxiety, though most interventions for orthopedic injuries are primarily biomedical (eg, surgeries, pharmacology, physiotherapy/exercise). The Toolkit for Optimal Recovery (TOR) is a brief, live video mind-body program designed to directly target pain catastrophizing and anxiety in patients with recent traumatic orthopedic injury to prevent persistent disability. ⋯ A multiple mediation analysis using multilevel structural equation modeling (MSEM) demonstrated that pain catastrophizing (b = -5.22, SE = 3.02, Bootstrapped 95% CIs = -0.04, -12.37) and pain anxiety (b = -8.45, SE = 3.59, Bootstrapped 95% CIs = -0.04, -12.37) each significantly mediated improvement in physical function. Overall, findings elucidate the mechanistic role of TOR's primary treatment targets (ie, reductions in pain catastrophizing and anxiety) in improving physical function. Findings highlight the importance of targeting pain catastrophizing and pain anxiety early after orthopedic injury through psychosocial interventions such as TOR.
To investigate the number of mental health-related hospitalisations of adolescents (12-17 years) in South Australia by level of contact with the child protection system (0-11 years). ⋯ About 45% of mental health-related hospitalisations of 12-17-year-old adolescents were of people who had had contact with child protection services by the age of 11 years, although only 15.5% of all adolescents had histories of child protection contact. The trauma associated with a history of child protection can have longer term sequelae, and this should be considered when adolescents are hospitalised with mental health conditions.