Articles: trauma.
Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) poses major public health issues. Pre-arrest heart function is a prognostic factor, but the specific contribution of pre-arrest echocardiographic evaluation in predicting OHCA outcome remains limited. ⋯ In adult, nontraumatic, EMS-treated OHCA patients, a higher LVEF 6 months prior to OHCA was associated with improved survival at hospital discharge.
Evaluations of clinical outcomes in service members with mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) sustained in combat have largely focused on neurobehavioral and somatic symptoms, neurocognitive functioning, and psychological/psychiatric health. Questions remain regarding other domains, such as gross or fine motor abilities, that could be impacted and are mission-critical to functional warfighters. ⋯ Assessment of gross motor function reflected a consistent pattern of significantly slower performances for blast and nonblast TBI groups compared to controls, over all follow-up intervals. Fine motor function performance reflected a similar significant difference pattern at 1- and 5-year follow-up intervals, with a reduced difference from control groups at the 10-year follow-up. Maintenance of high-level motor functions, including overall motor speed, coordination, and reaction time, is a primary component for active warfighters, and any motor-related deficits could create an increased risk for the service member or unit. While the service members in this longitudinal study did not meet criteria for any specific clinical motor-related diagnoses or movement disorders, the finding of motor slowing may reflect a subclinical but significant change that could be a focus for intervention to return to preinjury levels.
Traumatic spinal injuries (TSI) pose a significant life-long burden, impacting both military and civilian populations. Assessing long-term outcomes is crucial for comprehending the enduring consequences of the initial insult and informing effective prevention and management strategies. Most existing studies have narrowly focused on subsets of traumatic cord injuries, leaving a gap in understanding the broader impact of severe spinal trauma. This study aims to examine severe TSIs in military personnel, who may face unique risk factors and injury patterns, and its association with long-term disability. ⋯ Upon long-term follow-up, military personnel with severe TSI exhibit a significantly higher prevalence of debilitating disability compared to those with significant non-spinal traumatic injuries. These findings highlight the critical need for targeted prevention strategies and improved management of spinal injuries to reduce long-term disability. Strengths of this study include its extensive follow-up period and the use of multiple nationwide registries. However, the study may be limited by potential discrepancies in identity matching across databases and the reliance on disability claims, which may underrepresent the true prevalence of long-term disability. Future research should explore the efficacy of early interventions and rehabilitation strategies in mitigating long-term disability following spinal injuries. This study underscores the importance of developing evidence-based policies to enhance care for individuals with TSIs.
Chronic posttraumatic pain (CPTP) is common after traumatic stress exposure (TSE) and disproportionately burdens women. We previously showed across 3 independent longitudinal cohort studies that, in women, increased peritraumatic 17β-estradiol (E2) levels were associated with substantially lower CPTP over 1 year. Here, we assessed this relationship in a fourth longitudinal cohort and also assessed the relationship between E2 and CPTP at additional time points post-TSE. ⋯ In conclusion, peritraumatic E2 levels, but not those at post-TSE time points, predict CPTP in women TSE survivors. Administration of E2 immediately post TSE protects against mechanical hypersensitivity in female rats. Together with previous findings, these data indicate that increased peritraumatic E2 levels in women have protective effects against CPTP development and suggest that immediate post-TSE E2 administration in women could be a promising therapeutic strategy for reducing risk of CPTP.