Articles: analgesia.
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical Trial
Epidural morphine vs hydromorphone in post-caesarean section patients.
The purpose of this randomized controlled double blind study was to compare the efficacy of pain relief and the side effects of epidural hydromorphone and morphine in post-Caesarean patients. ⋯ Hydromorphone provides no clinical benefit over epidural morphine for post operative analgesia following Caesarean section.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Jun 1996
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical TrialDose-response study of intrathecal morphine versus intrathecal neostigmine, their combination, or placebo for postoperative analgesia in patients undergoing anterior and posterior vaginoplasty.
This study was designed to examine postoperative analgesia with intrathecal neostigmine in a randomized, blinded trial with morphine as the active control in patients undergoing anterior and posterior vaginoplasty. A secondary aim was to provide preliminary data on the interaction between these two drugs. The incidence of adverse effects was also assessed. ⋯ Increasing doses of intrathecal morphine (50 micrograms, 100 micrograms, and 200 micrograms) and intrathecal neostigmine (50 micrograms, 100 micrograms, and 200 micrograms) showed a dose-dependent pattern of analgesia (P < 0.001). The M50 + N50 combination resulted in a better analgesic effect with fewer side effects than M50, N50, and control groups. These preliminary data suggest that spinal neostigmine produces analgesia for vaginoplasty surgery similar in duration to spinal morphine and that the combination of morphine and neostigmine may allow a reduction in the dose of each component for postoperative analgesia.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Jun 1996
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical TrialThe effect of postoperative analgesia with continuous epidural bupivacaine after cesarean section on the amount of breast feeding and infant weight gain.
The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of postoperative analgesia on the amount of breast feeding and infant weight gain. Thirty parturients undergoing elective cesarean section under spinal anesthesia were randomly allocated to receive postoperative pain management with (S-E group, n = 15) or without epidural bupivacaine (S group, n = 15). Epidural analgesia was performed for 3 days with a continuous epidural infusion (0.7 mL/h) of 0.25% bupivacaine. ⋯ In the S-E group, the visual analog pain score after surgery was significantly lower and both the weight of milk fed by breast and the infant weight during the study were significantly more than the respective values in the S group. The S group required a larger dose of diclofenac after the operation than did the S-E group. We suggest that satisfactory postoperative pain relief with continuous epidural bupivacaine for 3 days after cesarean section improved the amount of breast feeding and the gain of infant weight.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Jun 1996
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical TrialOral clonidine premedication enhances the quality of postoperative analgesia by intrathecal morphine.
Since clonidine potentiates the analgesia by morphine, the current study was performed to investigate whether oral clonidine premedication would enhance the postoperative analgesia by intrathecal morphine. Twenty-six patients, aged 37-60 yr, schedule for abdominal total hysterectomy under spinal anesthesia, were studied. Patients were randomly allocated to one of two groups; the clonidine group (n = 13) received oral clonidine approximately 5 micrograms/kg, and the control group (n = 13) received no clonidine. ⋯ Although there was no difference in the total number of injections of supplemental analgesics (1.1 +/- 0.4 and 2.2 +/- 0.3 in the clonidine and control groups, respectively), the number of patients not requiring supplemental analgesics during the entire study period was larger in the clonidine group than the control group (six patients versus one patient; P < 0.05). There were no differences at any observation point between groups in visual analog pain scores, or the incidence of nausea and pruritus. Oral clonidine preanesthetic medication enhances the postoperative analgesia of intrathecal morphine plus tetracaine without increasing the intensity of side effects from morphine.
Acta Anaesthesiol. Sin. · Jun 1996
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical Trial[Pre- and intra-operative administration of epidural morphine provides good postoperative pain relief after laminectomy].
To evaluate the postoperative analgesic effect of epidural morphine administered at different timing in lumbar spine surgery. ⋯ Preoperative or intraoperative administration of epidural morphine could provide satisfactory analgesia in lumbar spine surgery during the first 24 h postoperatively.