Articles: analgesia.
Eur. J. Obstet. Gynecol. Reprod. Biol. · Oct 1991
Fetal heart rate and neonatal condition related to epidural analgesia in women reaching the second stage of labour.
The relationship between epidural analgesia and a number of labour and delivery factors, relevant to fetal and neonatal condition, was considered in a prospective study of 200 labours reaching the second stage of labour. The group was representative of the hospital population with regard to the proportion of nulliparous women, the incidence of instrumental vaginal deliveries and the incidence of epidural analgesia (37%). ⋯ Nulliparity (55%), induced labour (34%), a first stage longer than eight hours (37%), a second stage longer than 60 min (43%), maternal pushing for longer than 36 min (50%), forceps delivery (28%) and a 1 min Apgar score less than 7 (12%) were also factors associated with significantly higher rates of epidural analgesia whereas meconium (15%), a small baby (16%) and umbilical arterial metabolic acidaemia (13%) were not. FHR decelerations in labours reaching the second stage with an epidural reflect adjustments to fetal cardiovascular control and not acidaemia.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Oct 1991
Randomized Controlled Trial Clinical TrialOnset of epidural blockade after plain or alkalinized 0.5% bupivacaine.
This double-blind study investigated the effect of adding 1.4% bicarbonate to 0.5% bupivacaine on onset time of sensory and motor blockade after epidural administration. Forty patients were randomly divided into one of two groups. Group 1 received 20 mL of 0.5% bupivacaine (pH, 5.58 +/- 0.12) and group 2 received 20 mL of 0.5% bupivacaine + 0.6 mL of 1.4% bicarbonate (pH, 6.53 +/- 0.06). ⋯ Maximum motor blockade was reached after 30 min in group 1 and after 36 min in group 2. No difference in motor blockade or upward spread of anesthesia was noted between the two groups. The authors conclude that alkalinization of 0.5% bupivacaine offers no improvement in the onset of epidural blockade.
Efficacy and side effects of a continuous infusion of sufentanil following epidural administration of a single dose of 30 micrograms of the opioid were studied in 28 patients undergoing laparotomy. Patients were divided into two groups treated with either 10 micrograms/h (n = 13) or 15 micrograms/h (n = 15) and compared with regard to sufentanil plasma levels, side effects and changes in blood gases. ⋯ After the injection of a bolus of 30 micrograms sufentanil, a dose chosen according to current recommendations, a quick onset of analgesia was noted, but also sedation and respiratory depression with apneic intervals lasting up to 30 s, demonstrating both the efficacy and the possibility of unwanted and even harmful side effects associated with this kind of administration. During long-term infusion, after about 20 h PaCO2 and respiratory rate were significantly different between the two groups, which could be explained by differences in sufentanil plasma levels and a somewhat higher level of postoperative pain in the group receiving 10 micrograms/h.
Pain that cannot be controlled by traditional oral and parenteral methods in those patients with advanced cancer can be alleviated by spinal administration of narcotics. Epidural and intrathecal infusion with morphine causes analgesia by blocking spinal receptors without significant long-term central nervous, gastrointestinal, and genitourinary system effects. Of the total of 33 patients, epidural catheters inserted in 20 patients then connected by a subcutaneous tunnel to a continuous infusion system. ⋯ Patient assessment by a linear analogue scale to measure pain levels determined that 23 of the 33 total patients (70%) had excellent or good relief of pain. The delivery of spinal administration of narcotics to treat intractable cancer pain in patients is safe. Most importantly, this method of delivery can be used in community hospitals, in outpatient settings, and in home health care programs.