Articles: analgesia.
Plasma concentrations of methadone were measured by gas chromatography in 16 patients receiving extradural methadone by continuous infusion for relief of postoperative pain. Venous blood samples were taken after a loading dose of extradural methadone 2 mg and during infusion of 0.46 mg h-1 plus patient-controlled increments of 0.2-1 mg. Mean (SD) plasma concentration of methadone was 9.8 (2.1) ng ml-1 at 15 min; this did not change significantly during the first 2 h, after which it increased gradually to 32.2 (4.6) ng ml-1 (P less than 0.001) at the end of 24 h. ⋯ No adverse effects were detected during the 2-3 days of methadone therapy. Plasma concentration of methadone increased significantly during patient-controlled infusion of extradural methadone in the first 24 h after operation, suggesting rapid vascular uptake. Systemic activity of the drug contributes to the analgesic effect of extradural methadone.
The electrical current thresholds for pain (ECTP) in the skin of the neck and tail were measured in rats with chronically implanted lumbar subarachnoid catheters. The effects of a benzodiazepine antagonist and a gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) antagonist on the analgesic effects of equivalent doses of midazolam, fentanyl, and ketocyclazocine were studied. These were the minimum doses producing maximal segmental analgesia when given intrathecally (i.e., they all caused a significant and maximum increase in ECTP in the tail, which was similar for all three drugs, but no significant change in the ECTP in the neck). ⋯ Segmental analgesia following midazolam was also significantly attenuated (P less than 0.05) when the selective GABA antagonist bicuculline was given intrathecally at the same time as midazolam. The highest dose of bicuculline used (50 pmol) caused no significant attenuation of the segmental analgesic effects of either ketocyclazocine or fentanyl. The authors concluded that the segmental analgesia produced by intrathecal midazolam is mediated by the benzodiazepine-GABA receptor complex that is involved in other benzodiazepine actions.
The results of 670 consecutive caudal blocks performed by the author for operative obstetrics over 20 years is reported. There was no morbidity attributable to the technique. ⋯ The causes of these failures are discussed. It is recommended that caudal analgesia continues to be used for operative vaginal obstetrics.
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand · Aug 1990
Meta AnalysisSide effects and complications related to interpleural analgesia: an update.
Interpleural analgesia has been successfully used for pain relief after cholecystectomy, renal surgery, breast surgery and thoracotomy. Little has been reported about side effects and complications. ⋯ Pneumothorax was the most frequently registered complication followed by signs of systemic toxicity and pleural effusion. Horner's syndrome, pleural infections and catheter rupture have also been reported.