Articles: analgesia.
On admission to a pain management unit, 92.5% of 174 cancer patients suffered from more than moderate pain despite prior treatment. This inefficacy was mainly due to underdosage of drugs, inadequate intake schedule, and hesitation to use strong opioids. Following introduction of an oral drug therapy based on World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines, more than 80% of all patients described their pain as ranging between "none" and "moderate" on a six-step verbal rating scale at all times. ⋯ Step III (strong opioids) gained more and more importance with time, and step I (nonopioids) was finally useful only in a minority of patients. Side effects played a minor role as a reason to change therapy. Oral drug therapy following these guidelines led to sufficient pain control in most patients over the whole study period (7,400 days); only 11% of the patients required other methods of pain management.
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical Trial
A comparison of epidural and intramuscular morphine in patients following cesarean section.
This randomized, double-blind study compared epidural (EP) and intramuscular (IM) morphine in 24 healthy parturients for 24 h after cesarean section. The 11 EP subjects received 5 mg of EP morphine and normal saline intramuscularly, and the 13 IM patients received 5 mg of IM morphine and normal saline epidurally. Both injections were given simultaneously just after delivery and then upon request with at least 30 min between each pair of injections. ⋯ There were no major respiratory abnormalities. During control monitoring of nine EP and 11 IM subjects while asleep postoperatively, the RR, Spo2, and incidence and frequency of SRR and AP were similar to the study period in both groups. In conclusion, EP morphine was a more effective analgesic than IM morphine, but the side effects of both were similar.
Randomized Controlled Trial Comparative Study Clinical Trial
Prophylactic oral naltrexone with epidural morphine: effect on adverse reactions and ventilatory responses to carbon dioxide.
The influence of two different doses of oral naltrexone on the adverse effects and the analgesia of epidural morphine were compared in a double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Forty-five patients undergoing cesarean section were provided postoperative analgesia with 4 mg epidural morphine. Five minutes later they received 6 mg naltrexone, 9 mg naltrexone, or placebo as an oral solution. ⋯ The CO2 response slopes were depressed compared to control values from 6-16 h in the placebo group, from 6-12 h in the 6 mg naltrexone group. No significant depression was noted in the 9 mg naltrexone group. The authors conclude that oral naltrexone 6 mg significantly reduces the incidence of pruritus associated with epidural morphine without affecting analgesia and that 9 mg naltrexone is associated with shorter duration of analgesia than 6 mg naltrexone.