Articles: pandemics.
Many patients delayed health care during COVID-19. We assessed the extent to which patients managing multiple chronic conditions (MCC) delayed care in the first months of the pandemic, reasons for delay, and impact of delay on patient-reported physical and behavioral health (BH) outcomes. ⋯ Delay of care was substantial. Patients who delayed care multiple times were in poorer health and thus in need of more care. Effective strategies for reengaging patients in deferred care should be identified and implemented on multiple levels.
We found the intended scope of practice remained unchanged in graduating family medicine residents between pre-pandemic and pandemic period. Tracking these trends with later cohorts will fully assess the pandemics' impact on training so that residencies can adjust their education accordingly.
For 2 years, the Larry A. Green Center conducted weekly to monthly surveys among a national sample of primary medical care practices on how they were faring during the on-going COVID-19 pandemic in the United States. As both a family physician and as one of the analysts of these surveys and the thousands of detailed comments accompanying them, I witnessed a courageous, professional, and deeply distressing saga. ⋯ Emphasize capitation as a foundation for payment reform in primary medical care. Establish primary health care extension services that focus on supporting practices and in helping them integrate with public health and their communities. Listening to each other, let us rise together with our patients and be noticed.
The COVID-19 pandemic posed an unprecedented challenge to modern bioethical frameworks in the clinical setting. Now, as the pandemic stabilises and we learn to 'live with COVID', the medical community has a duty to evaluate its response to the challenge, and reassess our ethical reasoning, considering how we practise in the future. This article considers a number of clinical and bioethical challenges encountered by the author team and colleagues during the most severe waves of the pandemic. ⋯ In this article, we conclude that embracing a framework of shared decision-making (SDM), which openly acknowledges clinical expertise and in which patient and family autonomy is carefully balanced against other bioethics principles, could serve us well going forward. One such principle is the recognition of clinician expertise as holding weight in the clinical encounter, when framed in terms of non-maleficence and beneficence. Such a framework incorporates much of our learning and experience from advising and treating patients during the pandemic.