Articles: pandemics.
The emergence of H1N1 in 2009 shows that it is a mistake to regard the scenario of having to implement pandemic plans as merely hypothetical. This recent experience provides an opportunity to inquire into the current state of pandemic preparedness plans with regard to their ethical adequacy. One aspect that deserves consideration in this context is the disclosure of ethical reasoning. ⋯ The extent to which ethical language appears in the national plans in South East Asia and the Western Pacific suggests that there is limited awareness of ethical considerations, or at least insufficient ethical substantiation of pandemic action. The aim of the analysis is to show that further inclusion of ethical considerations into pandemic plans is ethically demanded. It is of particular significance that these considerations are formulated and remain discernible as instances of ethical deliberation.
Enferm. Infecc. Microbiol. Clin. · Oct 2011
[Patient characteristics and health care burden during the influenza A (H1N1) 2009 pandemic in the university Hospital Vall d'Hebron of Barcelona].
The influenza A (H1N1) 2009 pandemic initially had a mild impact in Catalonian hospitals, but in the autumn there was an important pandemic wave. We describe the main characteristics of patients seen in the Vall d'Hebron University Hospital in Barcelona (HUVH) during this pandemic, the risk factors associated with hospitalization and the health-care burden generated. ⋯ Between July and September 2009 the pandemic had a low impact on hospital resources, but in autumn there was a marked increase in emergency department visits and hospitalizations. Children had higher rates of confirmed cases, while adults had higher rates of hospitalizations. The risk of hospitalization was higher in patients with certain conditions especially in those with pneumonia. The pandemic wave was a moderate work load for HUVH, since it did not involve any modification of the usual health care programs.
Pediatr. Infect. Dis. J. · Oct 2011
Rapid increase in use of antiviral therapy for hospitalized children with influenza during the 2009 H1N1 epidemic.
We used the Pediatric Health Information System to examine annual trends in antiviral prescribing for hospitalized children with influenza before and during the 2009 H1N1 epidemic. During the 2009 H1N1 epidemic, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued recommendations advising antiviral therapy for all hospitalized patients with influenza infection. Before the 2009 H1N1 outbreak, antivirals were prescribed for only 28% of hospitalized children with influenza. This increased sharply to 84% during the 2009 H1N1 period, indicating a favorable response by physicians to clinical guidelines.