Articles: post-operative.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Apr 2023
Observational StudyEnhanced Recovery After Surgery Program and Opioid Consumption in Pulmonary Resection Surgery: A Retrospective Observational Study.
Pulmonary resection surgery causes severe postoperative pain and usually requires opioid-based analgesia, particularly in the early postoperative period. However, the administration of large amounts of opioids is associated with various adverse events. We hypothesized that patients who underwent pulmonary resection under an enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) program consumed fewer opioids than patients who received conventional treatment. ⋯ Patients who underwent pulmonary resection under the ERAS program consumed fewer opioids than those who received conventional management while maintaining no significant differences in clinical outcomes.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Apr 2023
Randomized Controlled TrialNociception Level Index-Guided Intraoperative Analgesia for Improved Postoperative Recovery: A Randomized Trial.
Nociception is the physiological response to nociceptive stimuli, normally experienced as pain. During general anesthesia, patients experience and respond to nociceptive stimuli by increasing blood pressure and heart rate if not controlled by preemptive analgesia. The PMD-200 system from Medasense (Ramat Gan, Israel) evaluates the balance between nociceptive stimuli and analgesia during general anesthesia and generates the nociception level (NOL) index from a single finger probe. NOL is a unitless index ranging from 0 to 100, with values exceeding 25 indicating that nociception exceeds analgesia. We aimed to demonstrate that titrating intraoperative opioid administration to keep NOL <25 optimizes intraoperative opioid dosing. Specifically, we tested the hypothesis that pain scores during the initial 60 minutes of recovery are lower in patients managed with NOL-guided fentanyl than in patients given fentanyl per clinical routine. ⋯ More intraoperative fentanyl was given in NOL-guided patients, but NOL guidance did not reduce initial postoperative pain scores.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Postoperative pulmonary complications in the ENIGMA II Trial: A post hoc analysis.
Nitrous oxide promotes absorption atelectasis in poorly ventilated lung segments at high inspired concentrations. The Evaluation of Nitrous oxide In the Gas Mixture for Anesthesia (ENIGMA) trial found a higher incidence of postoperative pulmonary complications and wound sepsis with nitrous oxide anesthesia in major surgery compared to a fraction of inspired oxygen of 0.8 without nitrous oxide. The larger ENIGMA II trial randomized patients to nitrous oxide or air at a fraction of inspired oxygen of 0.3 but found no effect on wound infection or sepsis. However, postoperative pulmonary complications were not measured. In the current study, post hoc data were collected to determine whether atelectasis and pneumonia incidences were higher with nitrous oxide in patients who were recruited to the Australian cohort of ENIGMA II. ⋯ In contrast to the earlier ENIGMA trial, nitrous oxide anesthesia in the ENIGMA II trial was associated with a lower incidence of lung atelectasis, but not pneumonia, after major surgery.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Apr 2023
ReviewArtificial Intelligence for Perioperative Medicine: Perioperative Intelligence.
The anesthesiologist's role has expanded beyond the operating room, and anesthesiologist-led care teams can deliver coordinated care that spans the entire surgical experience, from preoperative optimization to long-term recovery of surgical patients. This expanded role can help reduce postoperative morbidity and mortality, which are regrettably common, unlike rare intraoperative mortality. Postoperative mortality, if considered a disease category, will be the third leading cause of death just after heart disease and cancer. ⋯ Using artificial intelligence technologies, we can critically examine every aspect of perioperative medicine and devise innovative value-based solutions that can potentially improve patient safety and care delivery, while optimizing cost of care. In this narrative review, we discuss specific applications of artificial intelligence that may help advance all aspects of perioperative medicine, including clinical care, education, quality improvement, and research. We also discuss potential limitations of technology and provide our recommendations for successful adoption.