Articles: surgery.
Curr Opin Anaesthesiol · Jun 2024
ReviewAnesthetic recommendations for maternal and fetal safety in nonobstetric surgery: a balancing act.
Nonobstetric surgery during pregnancy is associated with maternal and fetal risks. Several physiologic changes create unique challenges for anesthesiologists. This review highlights physiologic changes of pregnancy and presents clinical recommendations based on recent literature to guide anesthetic management for the pregnant patient undergoing nonobstetric surgery. ⋯ These recommendations will equip anesthesiologists to provide safe care for the pregnant patient and fetus undergoing nonobstetric surgery.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Candidate kidney protective strategies for patients undergoing major abdominal surgery: a secondary analysis of the RELIEF trial cohort.
Acute kidney injury (AKI) is common after major abdominal surgery. Selection of candidate kidney protective strategies for testing in large trials should be based on robust preliminary evidence. ⋯ Avoiding intraoperative nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors is a potential strategy to mitigate the risk for postoperative AKI. The findings strengthen the rationale for a clinical trial comprehensively testing the risk-benefit ratio of these drugs in the perioperative period.
To characterize patterns of health care utilization before and after surgery and determine any association with preoperative frailty. ⋯ Surgery occasions the transition from low to high health care utilization for a substantial subgroup of surgical patients. Multivariable modeling may effectively discriminate this utilization trajectory, suggesting an opportunity to tailor care processes for these patients.
Curr Opin Anaesthesiol · Jun 2024
ReviewAdvances in pediatric perioperative care using artificial intelligence.
This article explores how artificial intelligence (AI) can be used to evaluate risks in pediatric perioperative care. It will also describe potential future applications of AI, such as models for airway device selection, controlling anesthetic depth and nociception during surgery, and contributing to the training of pediatric anesthesia providers. ⋯ The goal of using AI in pediatric anesthesia is to assist clinicians in providing safe and efficient care. Given that children are a vulnerable population, it is crucial to ensure that both clinicians and families have confidence in the clinical tools used to inform medical decision- making. While not yet a reality, the eventual incorporation of AI-based tools holds great potential to contribute to the safe and efficient care of our patients.
Multicenter Study
The impact of anticoagulant medications on fragility femur fracture care: The hip and femoral fracture anticoagulation surgical timing evaluation (HASTE) study.
Due to their hypocoagulable state on presentation, anticoagulated patients with femoral fragility fractures typically experience delays to surgery. There are no large, multicentre studies previously carried out within the United Kingdom (UK) evaluating the impact of anticoagulant use in this patient population. This study aimed to evaluate the current epidemiology and compare the perioperative management of anticoagulated and non-anticoagulated femoral fragility fracture patients. ⋯ Anticoagulated femoral fragility fracture patients comprise a substantial number of patients, and experience relatively longer delays to surgery with less than half receiving surgery within 36 h of admission. This may have resulted in their comparatively higher mortality rate. Inclusion of anticoagulation status in the minimum data set for the NHFD to enable routine auditing of performance, and development of a national guideline on the management of this growing and emerging patient group is likely to help standardise practice in this area and improve outcomes.