Articles: traumatic-brain-injuries.
Post-traumatic headache (PTH) following TBI is a common and often persisting pain disability. PTH is often associated with a multimodal central pain sensitization on the skin surface described as allodynia. However, the particular neurobiology underlying cTBI-induced pain disorders are not known. ⋯ There was a strong correlation between increased expression of certain IHC markers and increased behavioral markers for facial sensitization. The authors conclude that TBI-induced changes observed in the TSS are consistent with the expression of generalized facial allodynia following cTBI. To our knowledge, this is the first report of orofacial sensitization correlated with changes in selected neuromodulators/neurotransmitters in the TSS following experimental mild TBI.
Health Qual Life Out · Jul 2016
Comparative StudyGerman version, inter- and intrarater reliability and internal consistency of the "Agitated Behavior Scale" (ABS-G) in patients with moderate to severe traumatic brain injury.
Agitation is frequently observed during early recovery after traumatic brain injury (TBI). Agitated behaviour often interferes with a goal-orientated rehabilitation and can be a substantial hindrance to therapy. Despite the relatively high occurance of agitation in TBI population there is no objective assessement in German (G) available. An existing scale with excellent psychometric properties is the "Agitated Behavior Scale (ABS)" developed by Corrigan in 1989. The aim of the study was to translate the Agitated Behavior Scale (ABS) into German (ABS-G) and investigate the inter- and intrarater reliability and internal consistency in patients with moderate to severe TBI. ⋯ This study demonstrates that the ABS-G is a reliable instrument for evaluating agitation in patients with moderate to severe TBI. Hereby it would be possible to monitor agitation objectively and optimise the management of agitated patients according to international recommendations.
Journal of neurotrauma · Jul 2016
Review Meta AnalysisCoagulopathy in Traumatic Brain Injury and its Correlation with Progressive Hemorrhagic Injury: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
The association between coagulopathy and either isolated traumatic brain injury (TBI) or progressive hemorrhagic injury (PHI) remains controversial. The aims of this study were to evaluate whether isolated TBI induces pronounced coagulopathy, in comparison with non-TBI or TBI in conjunction with other injuries (TBI + other injuries), and to examine whether there is any evidence of a relationship between coagulopathy and PHI in patients who have experienced TBI. The MEDLINE(®) and Embase databases, and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (Central), were trawled for relevant studies. ⋯ The current clinical evidence does not indicate that the prevalence of coagulopathy in TBI is significantly higher than in injuries of similar severity to other areas of the body, or in multiple injuries with TBI. With respect to the association between coagulopathy and PHI, the occurrence of coagulopathy, INR, and PLT was significantly associated with PHI, but APTT and PT were not found to be associated with PHI. In the future, high quality research will be required to further characterize the effects of coagulopathy on TBI and subsequent PHI.
Journal of neurotrauma · Jul 2016
Effects of controlled cortical impact on the mouse brain vasculome.
Perturbations in blood vessels play a critical role in the pathophysiology of brain injury and neurodegeneration. Here, we use a systematic genome-wide transcriptome screening approach to investigate the vasculome after brain trauma in mice. Mice were subjected to controlled cortical impact and brains were extracted for analysis at 24 h post-injury. ⋯ These findings suggest that microvascular perturbations can be widespread and not necessarily localized to core areas of direct injury per se and may further provide a broader gene network context for existing knowledge regarding inflammation, metabolism, and blood-brain barrier alterations after brain trauma. Further efforts are warranted to map the vasculome with higher spatial and temporal resolution from acute to delayed phase post-trauma. Investigating the widespread network responses in the vasculome may reveal potential mechanisms, therapeutic targets, and biomarkers for traumatic brain injury.