Articles: traumatic-brain-injuries.
Journal of neurotrauma · Jul 2015
Interferon Stimulated Gene 15 upregulation precedes the development of blood brain barrier disruption and cerebral edema after traumatic brain injury in young mice.
Recent studies show that myosin light chain kinase (MLCK) plays a pivotal role in development of cerebral edema, a known complication following traumatic brain injury (TBI) in children and a contributing factor to worsened neurologic recovery. Interferon-stimulated gene 15 (ISG15) is upregulated after cerebral ischemia and is neuroprotective. The significant role of ISG15 after TBI has not been studied. ⋯ PND24 mice showed peak ISG15 expression at 6 h, and PND21 mice at 72 h. MLCK peaked in both age groups at 12 h and co-localized with ISG15 on immunohistochemistry and co-immunoprecipitation. These studies provide evidence, ISG15 is elevated following TBI in mice, preceding MLCK elevation, development of BBB disruption, and cerebral edema.
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) often results in traumatic axonal injury and white matter (WM) damage, particularly to the corpus callosum (CC). Damage to the CC can lead to impaired performance on neurocognitive tasks, but there is a high degree of heterogeneity in impairment following TBI. Here we examined the relation between CC microstructure and function in pediatric TBI. We used high angular resolution diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) to evaluate the structural integrity of the CC in humans following brain injury in a sample of 32 children (23 males and 9 females) with moderate-to-severe TBI (msTBI) at 1-5 months postinjury, compared with well matched healthy control children. We assessed CC function through interhemispheric transfer time (IHTT) as measured using event-related potentials (ERPs), and related this to DWI measures of WM integrity. Finally, the relation between DWI and IHTT results was supported by additional results of neurocognitive performance assessed using a single composite performance scale. Half of the msTBI participants (16 participants) had significantly slower IHTTs than the control group. This slow IHTT group demonstrated lower CC integrity (lower fractional anisotropy and higher mean diffusivity) and poorer neurocognitive functioning than both the control group and the msTBI group with normal IHTTs. Lower fractional anisotropy-a common sign of impaired WM-and slower IHTTs also predicted poor neurocognitive function. This study reveals that there is a subset of pediatric msTBI patients during the post-acute phase of injury who have markedly impaired CC functioning and structural integrity that is associated with poor neurocognitive functioning. ⋯ Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is the primary cause of death and disability in children and adolescents. There is considerable heterogeneity in postinjury outcome, which is only partially explained by injury severity. Imaging biomarkers may help explain some of this variance, as diffusion weighted imaging is sensitive to the white matter disruption that is common after injury. The corpus callosum (CC) is one of the most commonly reported areas of disruption. In this multimodal study, we discovered a divergence within our pediatric moderate-to-severe TBI sample 1-5 months postinjury. A subset of the TBI sample showed significant impairment in CC function, which is supported by additional results showing deficits in CC structural integrity. This subset also had poorer neurocognitive functioning. Our research sheds light on postinjury heterogeneity.
Journal of neurotrauma · Jul 2015
Trends in Unintentional Fall Related Traumatic Brain Injury Death Rates in Older Adults in the United States, 1980-2010: A Joinpoint Analysis.
Unintentional fall-related traumatic brain injury (TBI) death rate is high in older adults in the United States, but little is known regarding trends of these death rates. We sought to examine unintentional fall-related TBI death rates by age and sex in older adults from 1980 through 2010 in the United States. We used multiple-cause mortality data from 1980 through 2010 (31 years of data) to identify fall-related TBI deaths. ⋯ The second joinpoint occurred in 2005 when the APC decreased to 3.8% for 2005-2010. This descriptive epidemiological study suggests increasing fall-related TBI death rates from 1992 to 2005 and then a slowdown of increasing trends between 2005 and 2010. Continued monitoring of fall-related TBI death rate trends is needed to determine the burden of this public health problem among older adults in the United States.
Journal of neurotrauma · Jul 2015
Combining Enriched Environment, Progesterone, and Embryonic Neural Stem Cell Therapy Improves Recovery Following Brain Injury.
Millions of persons every year are affected by traumatic brain injury (TBI), and currently no therapies have shown efficacy in improving outcomes clinically. Recent research has suggested that enriched environments (EE), embryonic neural stem cells (eNSC), and progesterone (PROG) improve functional outcomes after TBI, and further, several investigators have suggested that a polytherapuetic approach may have greater efficacy than a single therapy. The purpose of the current study was to determine if varying combinations of post-injury EE, progesterone therapy, or eNSC transplantation would improve functional outcomes over just a single therapy. ⋯ Immunohistochemistry showed that the transplanted eNSCs survived, migrated, and displayed neural phenotypes. These data suggest that a poly-therapeutic approach after TBI improves functional recovery to a greater magnitude. Moreover, when polytherapies are combined with EE, the effects on recovery are enhanced, leading to greater recovery of function.
Journal of neurotrauma · Jul 2015
Identification of the vascular source of vasogenic brain edema following traumatic brain injury using in vivo 2-photon microscopy in mice.
Vasogenic brain edema due to vascular leakage is one of the most important factors determining the clinical outcome of patients following acute brain injury. To date, performing a detailed in vivo quantification of vascular leakage has not been possible. Here, we used in vivo 2-photon microscopy (2-PM) to determine the spatial (3D) and temporal development of vasogenic brain edema following traumatic brain injury (TBI) in mice; in addition, we identified the vessel types involved in vascular leakage. ⋯ Both arterioles and venules contributed similarly to brain edema formation and their contribution was independent of vessel size; however, capillaries were the major contributor to leakage. In summary, using 2-PM to perform in vivo 3D deep-brain imaging, we found that TBI induces vascular leakage from capillaries, venules, and arterioles. Thus, all three vessel types are involved in trauma-induced brain edema and should be considered when developing novel therapies for preventing vasogenic brain edema.