Articles: traumatic-brain-injuries.
Developing insight into which factors determine prognosis after traumatic brain injury (TBI) is useful for clinical practice, research, and policy making. Several steps can be identified in prediction research: univariate analysis, multivariable analysis, and the development of prediction models. For each step, several methodological issues should be considered, such as selection/coding of predictors and dealing with missing data. "Traditional" predictors include demographic factors (age), type of injury, clinical severity, second insults, and the presence of structural abnormalities on neuroimaging. ⋯ Prognostic models can be used for providing information to relatives of individual patients, for resource allocation, and to support decisions on treatment. At the group level, prognostic models aid in the characterization of patient populations, are important to clinical trial design and analysis, and importantly, can serve as benchmarks for assessing quality of care. Continued development, refinement, and validation of prognostic models for TBI is required and this should become an ongoing process.
Brain injury : [BI] · Jan 2015
ReviewThe role of apolipoprotein E episilon (ε)-4 allele on outcome following traumatic brain injury: A systematic review.
The apolipoprotein E gene (APOE) has emerged as a candidate for prognosticating traumatic brain injury (TBI) recovery, with APOEε4 identified as a susceptibility marker for poor outcome, despite large discrepancy in its reported influence post-TBI. ⋯ The influence of APOEε4 on neuropsychological testing, functional outcome and in paediatric populations was incongruous. This review supports the majority of research indicating APOEε4 adversely influences recovery following TBI, particularly with respect to dementia-related outcomes and outcomes following sTBI.
Neuropsych Dis Treat · Jan 2015
ReviewTreatments for traumatic brain injury with emphasis on transcranial near-infrared laser phototherapy.
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a growing health concern affecting civilians and military personnel. In this review, treatments for the chronic TBI patient are discussed, including pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals, cognitive therapy, and hyperbaric oxygen therapy. All available literature suggests a marginal benefit with prolonged treatment courses. ⋯ Symptoms were monitored by depression scales and a novel patient diary system specifically designed for this study. NIR light in the power range of 10-15 W at 810 nm and 980 nm can safely and effectively treat chronic symptoms of TBI. The clinical benefit and effects of infrared phototherapy on mitochondrial function and secondary molecular events are discussed in the context of adequate radiant energy penetration.
Brain injury : [BI] · Jan 2015
ReviewOutcomes from mild and moderate traumatic brain injuries among children and adolescents: A systematic review of studies from 2008-2013.
To systematically review existing empirical evidence concerning neuropsychological, psychosocial and academic outcomes following mild and moderate TBI during childhood and adolescence. ⋯ The results suggest that not all children with mild or moderate TBI recover without long-term problems. Few studies followed children and adolescents with mild TBIs for extended periods of time, although it is clinically important to monitor patients over time.
Mannitol or hypertonic saline in the setting of traumatic brain injury: What have we learned?
Intracranial hypertension, defined as an intracranial pressure (ICP) >20 mmHg for a period of more than 5 min, worsens neurologic outcome in traumatic brain injury (TBI). While several mechanisms contribute to poor outcome, impaired cerebral perfusion appears to be a highly significant common denominator. Management guidelines from the Brain Trauma Foundation recommend measuring ICP to guide therapy. In particular, hyperosmolar therapy, which includes mannitol or hypertonic saline (HTS), is frequently administered to reduce ICP. Currently, mannitol (20%) is considered the gold standard hyperosmolar agent. However, HTS is increasingly used in this setting. This review sought to compare the efficacy of mannitol to HTS in severe TBI. ⋯ While all seven studies found that both mannitol and HTS were effective in reducing ICP, there was heterogeneity with regard to which agent was most efficacious.