Articles: traumatic-brain-injuries.
Traffic injury prevention · Jan 2015
Epidemiology and patterns of transport-related fatalities in Austria 1980-2012.
Transport-related accidents remain the largest single cause of death among people aged 15 to 29 in the European Union, and despite the decrease in number of fatalities from 1990 onwards they remain a significant public health problem. The aim of this article was to analyze the long-term trends and patterns of transport-related fatalities, identify the anatomic distribution of most significant injuries in different road users, and identify the primary populations at risk of transport-related death in Austria between 1980 and 2013. ⋯ Despite the decreasing trend observed, transport-related fatalities remain a serious public health issue in Austria. An increase in the mortality of motor vehicle drivers warrants more preventive action in this group. Further research is needed on other outcomes of transport accidents such as long-term disabilities to elucidate the true public health burden of transport accidents.
Brain injury : [BI] · Jan 2015
Community integration 2 years after moderate and severe traumatic brain injury.
The aim of this study was to examine community integration by the Community Integration Questionnaire (CIQ) 2 years after injury in a divided TBI sample of moderately and severely injured patients. The second aim was to identify social-demographic, injury-related and rehabilitation associated predictors of CIQ. ⋯ At 2 years follow-up, there was significant difference between the moderately and severely injured patients in the productivity scores (p < 0.003), while difference in the total CIQ scores approached the significance level (p = 0.074). Significant predictors of a higher CIQ score were living with a spouse, higher Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) in the acute phase, shorter Post-Traumatic Amnesia (PTA), longer rehabilitation stay (LOS) and use of rehabilitation service. Use of rehabilitation service (B = 7.766) and living with a spouse (B = 4.251) had the largest influence. This means that living with a spouse, better score on the GCS scale, shorter PTA, longer LOS and use of rehabilitation service after discharge equated to better community integration 2 years after TBI Conclusions: Two years after TBI the moderately injured patients have a higher productivity level than the severely injured patients. Marital status, injury severity and rehabilitation after injury were associated with community integration 2 years after TBI.
Acute bilateral extradural hematoma is a rare presentation of head trauma injury. In sporadic cases, they represent 0.5-10% of all extradural hematomas. However, higher mortality rates have been reported in previous series. ⋯ The correct approach on bilateral epidural hematomas depends on the volume, moment of diagnosis, and neurological deficit level. Simultaneous drainage of bilateral hematomas has been demonstrated to be an effective technique for it, which soon decreases the intracranial pressure and promotes an efficient resolution to the neurological damage.
Journal of neurotrauma · Jan 2015
Noninvasive brain stimulation for persistent postconcussion symptoms in mild traumatic brain injury.
Mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) is typically followed by various postconcussive symptoms (PCS), including headache, depression, and cognitive deficits. In 15-25% of cases, PCS persists beyond the usual 3-month recovery period, interfering with activities of daily living and responding poorly to pharmacotherapy. We tested the safety, tolerability, and efficacy of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) over the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) for alleviating PCS. ⋯ Participants also reported positive outcomes such as less sleep disturbance (n = 3), and better mental focus (n = 3). On average, PCS scores declined by 14.6 points (p = 0.009) and fMRI task-related activation peaks in the DLPFC increased after rTMS. rTMS is safe, tolerated by most patients with mTBI, and associated with both a reduction in severity of PCS and an increase in task-related activations in DLPFC. Assessment of this intervention in a randomized, control trial is warranted.
Brain injury : [BI] · Jan 2015
Prevalence of mental health conditions after military blast exposure, their co-occurrence, and their relation to mild traumatic brain injury.
To measure common psychiatric conditions after military deployment with blast exposure and test relationships to post-concussion syndrome (PCS) symptoms and mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) history. ⋯ These findings support that psychiatric conditions beyond PTSD are common after military combat deployment with blast exposure. They also highlight the non-specificity of post-concussion type symptoms. While some researchers have implicated mTBI history as a contributor to post-deployment mental health conditions, no clear association was found. This may partly be due to the more rigorous method of retrospective mTBI diagnosis determination.