Articles: traumatic-brain-injuries.
Through evolving research, recent years have witnessed remarkable achievements in neuromonitoring and neuroanesthetic techniques, with a huge body of literature consisting of excellent studies in neuroanaesthesiology. However, little of this work appears to be directly important to clinical practice. Many controversies still exist in care of patients with neurologic injury. ⋯ Till date, nimodipine is the only drug with proven efficacy in preventing cerebral vasospasm. In neurocritically ill patients, intensive insulin therapy results in substantial increase in hypoglycemic episodes and mortality rate, with current emphasis on minimizing glucose variability. Results of ongoing multicentric trials are likely to further improvise our practice.
Eur J Trauma Emerg S · Feb 2013
The prognostic reliability of the Glasgow coma score in traumatic brain injuries: evaluation of MRI data.
To clarify the predictive power of the Glasgow coma score (GCS) after traumatic brain injury (TBI) and in the context of brain stem lesions. ⋯ We only recommend the use of the GCS for prognostic evaluation in a multidimensional model. Study protocols should contain additional brain stem function parameters (BCS, pupil condition, MRI).
Eur J Trauma Emerg S · Feb 2013
Prehospital care in patients with severe traumatic brain injury: does the level of prehospital care influence mortality?
The controversy between the "scoop and run" versus the "stay and play" approach in severely injured trauma patients has been an ongoing issue for decades. The present study was undertaken to investigate whether changes in prehospital care for patients with severe traumatic brain injury in the Netherlands have improved outcome. ⋯ Despite more on-site ALS in severely head injured patients nowadays compared to the historic cohort, there was no reduction in mortality.
DAI is a leading cause of the patient's death or lasting vegetable state following severe TBI, and up to now the detailed mechanism of axonal injury after head trauma is still unclear. Inflammatory responses have been proved to be an important mechanism of neural injury after TBI. However, most of these studies are concerned with focal cerebral injury following head trauma. ⋯ From the studies reviewed, immune response cells would become reactive around the sites of axonal injury after DAI. Besides, the concentrations of several important inflammatory factors, such as IL-1 family, IL-6 and TNF-ɑ, increased after DAI as well, which implies the participation of inflammatory responses. It can be concluded that inflammatory responses probably participate in the neural injury in DAI, but at present the study of inflammatory responses following DAI is still limited and the clear effects of inflammatory response on axonal injury remain to be more explored.
Frontiers in neurology · Jan 2013
Amyloid-β Peptides and Tau Protein as Biomarkers in Cerebrospinal and Interstitial Fluid Following Traumatic Brain Injury: A Review of Experimental and Clinical Studies.
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) survivors frequently suffer from life-long deficits in cognitive functions and a reduced quality of life. Axonal injury, observed in many severe TBI patients, results in accumulation of amyloid precursor protein (APP). Post-injury enzymatic cleavage of APP can generate amyloid-β (Aβ) peptides, a hallmark finding in Alzheimer's disease (AD). ⋯ The heterogeneity of animal models, clinical cohorts, analytical techniques, and the complexity of TBI in the available studies make the clinical value of tau and Aβ as biomarkers uncertain at present. Additionally, the link between early post-injury changes in tau and Aβ peptides and the future risk of developing AD remains unclear. Future studies using methods such as rapid biomarker sampling combined with enhanced analytical techniques and/or novel pharmacological tools could provide additional information on the importance of Aβ peptides and tau protein in both the acute pathophysiology and long-term consequences of TBI.