Articles: disease.
Biochem. Soc. Trans. · Oct 2017
ReviewOmega-3 fatty acids and inflammatory processes: from molecules to man.
Inappropriate, excessive or uncontrolled inflammation contributes to a range of human diseases. Inflammation involves a multitude of cell types, chemical mediators and interactions. The present article will describe nutritional and metabolic aspects of omega-6 (n-6) and omega-3 (n-3) fatty acids and explain the roles of bioactive members of those fatty acid families in inflammatory processes. ⋯ Human trials demonstrate benefit of oral n-3 fatty acids in rheumatoid arthritis and in stabilizing advanced atherosclerotic plaques. Intravenous n-3 fatty acids may have benefits in critically ill patients through reduced inflammation. The anti-inflammatory and inflammation resolving actions of EPA, DHA and their derivatives are of clinical relevance.
Curr Opin Anaesthesiol · Oct 2017
Regional anesthesia and analgesia in cancer care: is it time to break the bad news?
There is ongoing controversy regarding the tumor-protective effects of regional anesthesia in patients undergoing cancer surgery. Evidence of up-to-date systematic reviews will be presented alongside recent updates on the effects of opioids and local anesthetics. ⋯ Cancer recurrence in patients undergoing surgery remains a global burden. Current evidence suggests that regional techniques, opioid analgesia and local anesthetics in onco-anesthesia may require a tailored individual approach due to the phenotypic and genotypic heterogeneity within and between different tumors. The authors surmise that future or ongoing randomized controlled trials regarding regional anesthesia techniques and cancer outcome may not be able to reproduce clear results, as it will be challenging to prove the efficacy of one single intervention (e.g. regional anesthesia) in an otherwise complex multifactorial perioperative oncological setting.
Most individuals make healthcare visits before suicide, but many do not have a diagnosed mental health condition. This study seeks to investigate suicide risk among patients with a range of physical health conditions in a U.S. general population sample and whether risk persists after adjustment for mental health and substance use diagnoses. ⋯ Although several individual conditions, for example, traumatic brain injury, were associated with high risk of suicide, nearly all physical health conditions increased suicide risk, even after adjustment for potential confounders. In addition, having multiple physical health conditions increased suicide risk substantially. These data support suicide prevention based on the overall burden of physical health.
This retrospective review of a prospectively entered and maintained hybrid electronic trauma registry was intended to develop a comprehensive overview of traumatic brain injury (TBI) in children and adolescents and to compare it with previous audits from our local environment and from other developing world centres. All TBI patients admitted to hospital were included in this study. We reviewed the age, gender, outcomes, radiological findings and treatment of the patients. ⋯ There is a significant burden of paediatric TBI in Pietermaritzburg. The majority of TBI was related to blunt trauma and assaults were very common. Although the short-term outcomes are good, the long-term consequences are poorly understood. Injury prevention programmes are needed to help reduce this burden of disease and a nationwide trauma registry is long overdue.