Articles: disease.
Scand J Prim Health Care · Mar 2024
To reveal disease or to promote function - that is the question.
Medicine faces challenges that indicate that it may not be sustainable. A descriptive disease concept is apt to what philosopher of science Ian Hacking called "looping effects", which can explain why health care is faced with insatiable demands. ⋯ They are often interactive identities that have attractive properties. We suggest a shift in medical practice where descriptive perspectives are complemented with functional perspectives to enable clinicians better to help people from merging with dysfunctional disease identities.
Heart failure with a preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) is a multifaceted disease entity. Confirming the diagnosis as well as tailoring the most appropriate therapy remains an ongoing challenge. The 2021 heart failure guidelines of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) suggested a simplified diagnostic approach, and the guideline update provided in 2023 gave recommendations regarding pharmacotherapy based on recent evidence. ⋯ M. Fabry, amyloidosis or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, there are emerging therapeutic options with the potential to substantially improve the physical capacity, quality of life and prognosis in these patients. The here presented update gives an overview on the recent advances in the area of HFpEF.
Dtsch. Med. Wochenschr. · Mar 2024
[Current therapeutic standards in advanced soft tissue sarcomas].
Soft tissue sarcomas account for less than 1% of tumors in adults. With more than 80 different subtypes and often dismal prognosis, treatment of patients with soft tissue sarcomas is diagnostically and therapeutically complex. In patients with localized disease, surgery remains the mainstay of therapy. ⋯ In patients with disseminated metastatic disease, chemotherapy with anthracyclines remains the backbone of therapy. Immune checkpoint inhibitors have proven to be effective for patients with alveolar soft part sarcoma and targeted therapies with NTRK-inhibitors should be evaluated in patients with NTRK-fusions. This article focuses on current standards and developments in the treatment of soft tissue sarcomas.
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) poses a substantial global health burden. It is classified according to estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) (G1-G5) and albuminuria (A1-A3). In recent years the clinicians' therapeutic options for slowing CKD progression and mitigating cardiovascular disease has been significantly expanded:For CKD with albuminuria, concomitant cardiovascular disease or diabetes mellitus, a target blood pressure <130/80mmHg should be aspired. ⋯ Once started, patients should stay on SGLT2i until dialysis. Finerenon is a novel option for diabetic nephropathy with an ACR >30mg/g [3mg/mmol] and an eGFR >25ml/min/1.73m2. Finerenon slows CKD progression and reduces cardiovascular events.