Articles: disease.
While most Third World countries, particularly in Africa and Latin America, have experienced a deterioration in child welfare as a result of the severe economic downturn in the 1980s, Southeast Asia in general managed to sustain improvements in the situation of its children because it has maintained satisfactory rates of economic growth. However, there were exceptions within Southeast Asia. The Philippines, Vietnam, Dem. ⋯ Long-term investments in health, nutrition and other social services in Thailand (as well as in Indonesia) have paid off according to the assessment by the United Nations (1990). It appears, therefore, that the nutrition situation in developing countries is highly dependent on the economic situation, globally and nationally (Cornia et al. 1987), as well as on investment in social services. Adjustment policies should, therefore, consider their implications on distribution and poverty in order that they could positively contribute to the improvement of the nutrition of the people.
Sixty-four pregnancies in 41 women with biopsy proven lupus nephritis between 1965 and 1991 were analysed to record fetal and maternal outcome and identify risk factors for poor outcome. Of 65 fetuses, 22 (34 per cent) were lost (including therapeutic abortions), 19 (30 per cent) were live born but premature (less than or equal to 36 weeks gestation) and 24 (37 per cent) were term. Fetal loss after 20 weeks gestation was 19 per cent. ⋯ Comparison of pregnancies occurring before or after diagnosis was made by renal biopsy failed to show any significant difference in fetal outcome. Pregnancies occurring after the diagnosis of glomerulonephritis were associated with a significantly lower incidence of maternal hypertension, early hypertension, severe hypertension and increased proteinuria. The presence of the circulating lupus anticoagulant was clearly associated with a significantly high fetal loss rate although the incidence of maternal complications did not differ significantly between mothers positive or negative for lupus anticoagulant.