Articles: disease.
Acta Anaesthesiol Scand · Jan 1978
Occupational hazards to reproduction and health in anaesthetists and paediatricians.
A mail questionnaire was sent to Finnish anaesthetists and paediatricians to evaluate the risks of reproductive, teratogenic and health complications related to the professions. The incidence of diagnosed spontaneous miscarriages in anaesthetists' families was 10.2% of all pregnancies and it was 13.2% in paediatricians' families. Smoking seemed to increase markedly the incidence of spontaneous miscarriages, which was 22.9% in smoking female anaesthetists and 17.2% in smoking female paediatricians. ⋯ Different infectious diseases to the respiratory and urinary tracts were commonest among paediatricians. Cancer was not reported in the anaesthetist group. The study does not indicate that gas pollution in operating rooms is harmful to the personnel.
Letter Case Reports
Hepatoblastoma in an infant after contraceptive intake during pregnancy.
Acta endocrinologica · Apr 1977
Hypogonadism, galactorrhoea and hyper-prolactinaemia: Evaluation of pituitary gonadotrophins reserve before and under bromocriptine.
Twenty patients with hypogonadism (19 women with amenorrhoea and 1 man with impotence and infertility), galactorrhoea and hyper-prolactinaemia (range: 36 to 344 ng/ml) were studied. The radiological study of the sella turcica, including in all cases hypocycloidal tomograms, allowed classification of the patients into 3 groups: group I (n = 4) had a grossly enlarged sella turcica, group II (n = 12) had localized alterations indicating the probable existence of a prolactin-secreting microadenoma ("microdeformation") while group III patients presented no radiological abnormality. Before treatment, all the patients were submitted to a complete evaluation of the function of their anterior pituitary, including the LH and FSH responses to iv administration of Gn-RH. ⋯ It was observed that bromocriptine treatment and subsequent normalized prolactin levels in the 4 group II women tested were associated with normalization of their previously exaggerated FSH response to Gn-RH; LH responses were also diminished in these cases. These data are compatible with the hypothesis that hyper-prolactinaemia per se could interfere with the endogenous secretion of Gn-RH at the hypothalamic level. In one patient with grossly enlarged sella turcica and a previous lack of an LH and FSH response to Gn-RH, bromocriptine treatment restored a normal gonadotrophins response, confirming that, in this case, the alteration of this response was indeed due to a prolonged lack of endogenous Gn-RH secretion.
Acta endocrinologica · Feb 1977
The influence of combined cyproterone acetate-ethinyl oestradiol therapy on serum levels of dehydroepiandrosterone, androstenedione, and testosterone in hirsute women.
Serum levels of dehydroepiandrosterone, androstenedione, and testosterone in hirsute women suffering from either idiopathic hirsutism or the polycystic ovary syndrome were determined before and during treatment with cyproterone acetate combined with ethinyl oestradiol. During this treatment the hirsutism decreased markedly. In untreated hirsute women serum dehydroepiandrosterone levels do not differ from those in normal women and do not change during therapy; androstenedione levels are higher than normal and decrease markedly during treatment, and the testosterone levels are elevated compared to normals, with a considerable overlap, and show only a tendency to decrease. ⋯ After 12-14 months of cyproterone acetate-ethinyl oestradiol therapy a linear correlation is found between dehydroepiandrosterone and androstenedione levels. This can be explained by the relatively higher contribution of the peripheral conversion of dehydroepiandrosterone to androstenedione to the occurrence of lower androstenedione levels. The linear correlation between androstenedione and testosterone after treatment, also found in normal women, indicates the restoration of the role of androstenedione as the major peripheral precursor of testosterone.