Articles: disease.
Olfaction is intimately involved in reproductive behaviors. However, there is limited evidence about the relationship between olfactory and sexual functioning, and whether this relationship is modulated by gender. This study aimed to investigate the correlates between olfactory and sexual functioning in a cohort of young healthy individuals; secondary outcomes were the possible correlates between disgust and perceived vulnerability to illness, with particular relation to sexual attitudes. ⋯ We herein confirm that olfactory capacities positively correlate with sexual behavior in both sexes. In males, these findings were mostly dependent upon increasing age and BMI. In females all domains of sexual function but sexual desire correlated with olfactory capacity, thus suggesting independent neural pathway activation for sexual desire. Finally, better olfactory capacities seem to determine sexual attitudes and disease avoidance behaviors irrespective of gender.
Internal medicine journal · Dec 2023
Observational StudyEarly outcomes following the implementation of a specialised pleural disease service.
Pleural effusion is a common cause of hospitalisation and a poor prognostic marker that is associated with morbidity and mortality. The evaluation and management of pleural effusion may be performed more effectively by a specialised pleural disease service (SPDS). ⋯ The introduction of a SPDS was associated with increased point-of-care ultrasound utilisation for pleural procedures, shorter delays to intervention and improved standardisation of tests on pleural fluid.
Different human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DR genotypes have been known to be associated with the risk of development of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) in different populations, although Lu et al. have reported previously that no correlation exists between the HLA-DR genotype and disease manifestation in SLE patients in Taiwan. We investigated the effects different HLA-DR genotypes had on SLE incidence in Taiwanese patients as to whether risk alleles were associated with different clinical manifestations, and the effects risk alleles had on the age of disease onset. ⋯ HLA-DR2 was associated with SLE susceptibility in this Taiwanese population as well as lower age of disease onset and more severe clinical manifestations.
Observational Study
Impact of a hospital service for adults with chronic childhood-onset disease: A propensity weighted analysis.
Young adults with chronic childhood-onset diseases (CCOD) transitioning care from pediatrics to adult care are at high risk for readmission after hospital discharge. At our institution, we have implemented an inpatient service, the Med-Peds (MP) line, to improve transitions to adult care and reduce hospital utilization by young adults with CCOD. ⋯ Hospitalization for young adults with CCOD on a MP service line was associated with lower 30-day readmission rates and longer LOS than hospitalization on other services. Further research is needed to assess which components of the line most contribute to decreased utilization.
NSAIDs and hormonal contraceptives are linked to VTE in women with no previous thrombotic disease.
Meaidi A, Mascolo A, Sessa M, et al. Venous thromboembolism with use of hormonal contraception and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: nationwide cohort study. BMJ. 2023;382:e074450. 37673431.