Articles: back-pain.
Observational Study
Patient-reported improvements of pain, disability, and health-related quality of life following chiropractic care for back pain - A national observational study in Sweden.
Chiropractic care is a common but not often investigated treatment option for back pain in Sweden. The aim of this study was to explore patient-reported outcomes (PRO) for patients with back pain seeking chiropractic care in Sweden. ⋯ Patients with acute and chronic back pain reported statistically significant improvements in PRO four weeks after initiated chiropractic care. Albeit the observational study design limits causal inference, the relatively rapid improvements of PRO scores warrant further clinical investigations.
We hypothesized that women undergoing scoliosis surgery who became pregnant would go to full term, have uncomplicated pregnancies, and similar patient-reported outcome measures than non-pregnant patients and healthy controls. ⋯ Women with a history of spinal fusion for AIS fused to L3 or L4 reported a higher incidence of low BP, and CSs are more frequently required. This risk increased to 55% when spinal fusion to L4 was performed. The quality of life and sexual function were at the same level in women after scoliosis surgery than in healthy controls.
Curr Pain Headache Rep · Mar 2019
ReviewNeurogenic Claudication: a Review of Current Understanding and Treatment Options.
With an aging population and increased prevalence of the disease, we set out to evaluate the validity of current diagnostic criteria for neurogenic claudication as well as the efficacy of the treatment options for the main cause, lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS). ⋯ Epidural steroid injections (ESI) were most efficacious when the injectate is a steroid combined with lidocaine or lidocaine only. There are promising results regarding the efficacy of the minimally invasive lumbar decompression (MILD) procedure as well as interspinous process spacers (IPS) compared to surgical alternatives. Spinal cord stimulators are gaining ground as an effective alternative to surgery in patients with lumbar spinal stenosis that is not responsive to conservative measures or epidural injections. We found that there continues to be a lack of consensus on the diagnostic criteria, management, and treatment options for patients with LSS. The Delphi consensus is the most current recommendation to assist clinicians with making the diagnosis. Physical therapy, NSAIDs, gabapentin, and other conservative therapy measures are unproven in providing long-lasting relief. In patients with radicular symptoms, an ESI may be indicated when a combination of lidocaine with steroids is used or using lidocaine alone. In addition, there is not enough high-quality evidence to make a recommendation regarding the use of MILD versus interspinous spacers for neurogenic claudication. There remains a need for high-quality evidence regarding the efficacy of different conservative treatments, interventional procedures, and surgical outcomes in patients with neurogenic claudication in LSS.
Curr Pain Headache Rep · Mar 2019
ReviewSpinal Cord Stimulation: Comparing Traditional Low-frequency Tonic Waveforms to Novel High Frequency and Burst Stimulation for the Treatment of Chronic Low Back Pain.
The purpose of the present investigation is to summarize supporting evidence for novel sub-perception spinal cord stimulation (SCS) therapy over traditional paresthesia inducing low-frequency waveforms for the treatment of chronic pain. The focus of this review is to summarize key studies comparing traditional low-frequency tonic waveforms to modern high frequency and burst stimulation for the treatment of patients with chronic intractable low back pain and/or leg pain. ⋯ Several recent studies have demonstrated the benefit of novel SCS therapies over traditional low-frequency SCS for the treatment of patients with chronic low back and/or leg pain. SENZA-RTC showed that paresthesia-free high-frequency SCS was superior to low-frequency stimulation for treatment of chronic low back pain with leg pain. The SUNBURST crossover trial recently found that high-frequency burst stimulation was preferred over low-frequency tonic SCS with patients citing better pain relief and a preference for paresthesia-free SCS. The new ongoing EVOLVE workflow retrospective multicenter study uses technology that can deliver both low-dose and high-dose SCS. Further, the wavewriter technology addresses patient variability with its ability to layer sub-perception waveforms and paresthesia inducing low-frequency stimulation tailored to patient needs via an interactive feedback feature. Neuromodulation for the treatment of chronic pain is rapidly evolving with technology at its forefront. Modern SCS systems use novel waveforms, frequencies, and stimulation modes to deliver paresthesia-free pain relief to patients suffering from chronic low back pain and/or leg pain with better results than traditional tonic low-frequency SCS. As the field advances, new studies are needed comparing new waveform and delivery systems to optimize patient selection and treatment response.