Articles: back-pain.
Prospective study OBJECTIVE.: The aim of this study was to evaluate variations in the sacral hiatus based on ultrasonographic images. ⋯ 3.
Most cases of complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) occur after some inciting injury. There are a few cases of CRPS after an operation for disc disease. CRPS from a mild herniated intervertebral disc (HIVD) without surgical intervention is even rarer than CRPS after an operation for disc disease. ⋯ It has a clear causal relationship between HIVD and CRPS and definitively fits in the newly revised IASP criteria. In conclusion, mild HIVD can cause CRPS without any trauma. And percutaneous nucleoplasty can be considered as a treatment option.
J Comput Assist Tomogr · Jul 2016
A Prototype Hybrid Gypsum-Based 3-Dimensional Printed Training Model for Computed Tomography-Guided Spinal Pain Management.
This article details design methodology of an anatomically realistic and accurate physical 3-dimensional model of the lumbosacral spine from computed tomography data utilizing 3-dimensional printing. This model is unique in that the radiodense bony lumbosacrum is reconstructed using gypsum, which because of its high calcium content allows for the appropriate imaging characteristics mimicking bone. The model allows trainees to become competent in needle placement for image-guided diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.
Reg Anesth Pain Med · Jul 2016
Observational StudyAdverse Drug Effects and Preoperative Medication Factors Related to Perioperative Low-Dose Ketamine Infusions.
High-dose opioid administration is associated with significant adverse events. Evidence suggests that low-dose ketamine infusions improve perioperative analgesia over conventional opioid management, but usage is highly variable. ⋯ The purposes of this study were 3-fold: (1) to identify patient factors associated with initiation of ketamine infusions during spine surgery, (2) to identify specific spine procedures in which ketamine has been used most frequently, and (3) to identify ADEs associated with postoperative ketamine infusions and which ADEs most frequently led to discontinuation. Spine surgery was chosen because of its association with moderate to severe pain and a relatively high use of ketamine infusions in this population at our hospital.