Articles: patients.
The sobering realization that little has changed in the scope of inpatient harm makes it plain that efforts intent on improving patient safety must be redoubled if the status quo is to be reversed. Living up to the recommendations of the iconic Institute of Medicine (IOM) Report (To Err Is Human: Building a Safer Health System) must remain top of mind. Much can and must be done to assure to the degree possible the safety of the inpatient population.
The delivery of primary healthcare in the USA is threatened on multiple fronts. To preserve and strengthen this critical part of the healthcare delivery system, a rapid and broadly accepted change in the basic payment strategy is needed. This paper describes the changes in the delivery of primary health services that demand additional population-based funding and the need to provide sufficient funding to sustain direct provider-patient interaction. We additionally describe the merits of a hybrid payment model that continues to include some level of fee-for-service payment and point to the pitfalls of imposing substantial financial risk on primary care practices, particularly small- and medium-sized primary care practices lacking the financial reserves to sustain monetary losses.