Articles: patients.
What clinical features, compiled as a risk stratification tool, identify patients with upper gastrointestinal bleeding that can be safely managed and investigated in an outpatient setting? ⋯ To validate the Glasgow-Blatchford Bleeding Score, a risk stratification tool for upper gastrointestinal bleeding.
Bmc Musculoskel Dis · Jan 2012
Engaging consumers living in remote areas of Western Australia in the self-management of back pain: a prospective cohort study.
In Western Australia (WA), health policy recommends encouraging the use of active self-management strategies as part of the co-care of consumers with persistent low back pain (LBP). As many areas in WA are geographically isolated and health services are limited, implementing this policy into practice is critical if health outcomes for consumers living in geographically-isolated areas are to be improved. ⋯ To sustain improved consumer beliefs regarding LBP and encourage the adoption of more positive health behaviours, additional reinforcement strategies for consumers living in remote areas where service access and skilled workforce are limited are recommended. This study highlights the need for aligning health services and skilled workforce to improve the delivery of co-care for consumers living in geographically isolated areas.
To explore the differences in narrative between patients with persistent non-specific low back pain (PLBP) who benefited from a pain management programme, and those who did not benefit. ⋯ Our findings may help to operationalise the restoration of hope in patients with PLBP. Firstly, health care professionals need to identify and resolve any specific fears of movement. Secondly, patients need an acceptable explanatory model that fits their experience and personal narrative. Finally our study confirms the centrality of self concept to recovery.
Int. J. Tuberc. Lung Dis. · Jan 2012
Patient and doctor perspectives on incorporating smoking cessation into tuberculosis care in Beijing, China.
Tuberculosis (TB) hospital in Beijing, China. ⋯ Despite the presence of a 'teachable moment', TB patients experience significant barriers to quitting smoking. Patient education in TB treatment programs should address the specific effects of smoking on TB and the general health benefits of cessation. Smoke-free policies should be strictly enforced in TB facilities. Successful integration of smoking cessation interventions within TB treatment regimens may require that providers adopt smoking cessation as an essential part of TB treatment.
People with no previous cardiovascular events or cardiovascular disease represent a primary prevention population. The benefits and harms of treating mild hypertension in primary prevention patients are not known at present. This review examines the existing randomized controlled trial (RCT) evidence. ⋯ Antihypertensive drugs used in the treatment of adults (primary prevention) with mild hypertension (systolic BP 140-159 mmHg and/or diastolic BP 90-99 mmHg) have not been shown to reduce mortality or morbidity in RCTs. Treatment caused 9% of patients to discontinue treatment due to adverse effects. More RCTs are needed in this prevalent population to know whether the benefits of treatment exceed the harms.