Articles: patients.
Inpatients with impaired decision-making capacity may attempt to leave the hospital prematurely. When no surrogate decision-maker is available, clinical teams often lack a legal basis to keep these patients. ⋯ Clinicians need explicit legal authority to temporarily detain and treat incapacitated and unrepresented patients. Physician and hospital associations should lobby state legislatures to create new statutes for medical incapacity modeled after mental health laws.
Curr Opin Crit Care · Dec 2024
Editorial ReviewProtective hemodynamics: a novel strategy to manage blood pressure.
This editorial aims to highlight the evolving concept of protective hemodynamics in the management of critically ill patients. ⋯ The implications of adopting protective hemodynamics are profound for both clinical practice and research. Clinically, this approach can reduce iatrogenic harm and improve long-term outcomes for critically ill patients. For research, it opens new avenues for investigating individualized hemodynamic management strategies that prioritize overall patient stability and long-term health over rigid target attainment.