Articles: patients.
Critical care medicine · Jan 2025
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter StudyHeterogeneity in the Effect of Early Goal-Directed Therapy for Septic Shock: A Secondary Analysis of Two Multicenter International Trials.
The optimal approach for resuscitation in septic shock remains unclear despite multiple randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Our objective was to investigate whether previously uncharacterized variation across individuals in their response to resuscitation strategies may contribute to conflicting average treatment effects in prior RCTs. ⋯ Treatment response to EGDT varied across patients in two multicenter RCTs with large benefits for some patients while others were harmed. Patient characteristics, including albumin, were most important in identifying HTE.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study Comparative Study
Balanced Solution versus Normal Saline in Predicted Severe Acute Pancreatitis: A Stepped Wedge Cluster Randomized Trial.
To compare the effect of balanced multielectrolyte solutions (BMESs) versus normal saline (NS) for intravenous fluid on chloride levels and clinical outcomes in patients with predicted severe acute pancreatitis (pSAP). ⋯ Among patients with pSAP, using BMES in preference to NS resulted in a significantly more physiological serum chloride level, which was associated with multiple clinical benefits (Trial registration number: ChiCTR2100044432).
Anesthesia and analgesia · Jan 2025
Randomized Controlled TrialMagnesium and Esophageal Pain After Peroral Endoscopic Myotomy of the Esophagus: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial.
Postoperative esophageal pain occurs in 67% of patients after peroral endoscopic esophageal myotomy (POEM). Magnesium can act as a smooth muscle relaxant. This study investigated whether intraoperative magnesium can reduce postoperative esophageal pain in patients undergoing POEM. ⋯ Patients undergoing POEM randomized to receive intraoperative magnesium had sustained reductions in esophageal discomfort severity and opioid requirements 24 hours after surgery.
Randomized Controlled Trial
Ultrasound-guided superficial cervical plexus blocks for persistent pain after suboccipital craniotomies: a randomized trial.
The efficacy of superficial cervical plexus blocks for reducing persistent pain after craniotomies remains unclear. The authors tested the primary hypothesis that preoperative ultrasound-guided superficial cervical plexus blocks reduce persistent pain 3 months after suboccipital craniotomies. ⋯ Superficial cervical plexus blocks reduce the incidence of persistent incisional pain by about a third in patients recovering from suboccipital craniotomies.
Randomized Controlled Trial
In long-term users of benzodiazepine receptor agonists, direct-to-patient interventions vs. usual care reduced use at 6 mo.
GIM/FP/GP: [Formula: see text] Geriatrics: [Formula: see text].