Articles: child.
Intensive Crit Care Nurs · Jun 2002
Multicenter StudyAdmissions for critically ill children: where and why?
Planning services for critically ill children requires identification of overall critical care activity as well as an assessment of population needs. METHOD AND OBJECTIVES: This prospective needs assessment took a census approach to estimating population-based admission rates for paediatric critical care irrespective of where care was provided. A survey form was completed for every child in the study population for all of their admissions. ⋯ This baseline study shows a significant number of critically ill children who are never cared for in PIC units. With national changes in UK policy to regionalise care for these children, monitoring care in all locations by cause of admission remains important. While the data were collected in 1997, the findings from this study remain relevant and provide the basis for planning regional critical care services for children. Results are also relevant to other geographical areas in that measuring the use of services for critically ill children must go beyond documenting admission to ICUs for children and adults. All settings for critical care must be identified, the activity documented, and the use of services measured against existing resources. Clear clinical criteria are needed to identify children who can be cared for appropriately on high dependency units.
Multicenter Study Comparative Study
Hospitalization among diabetic children and adolescents and the general population in Germany. German Working Group for Pediatric Diabetology.
To compare hospitalization in a multicenter-based cohort of diabetic children and adolescents (aged 1-19 years) in Germany with that of the general population. ⋯ Diabetic children and adolescents in Germany had an approximately three times higher hospitalization risk and three times more hospital days than the age-matched general population. Including hospitalization at diabetes onset, the annual costs of hospital care for the German diabetic population aged 1-19 years amounted to approximately 1% of all costs for hospital care in this age-group. Thus, costs were largely overproportional (diabetes prevalence 0.1%).
Multicenter Study
Nursing activities and outcomes of care in the assessment, management, and documentation of children's pain.
This study describes how assessment and documentation of children's acute postoperative pain is managed by nurses in university hospitals in Finland. A survey was conducted of 303 nurses working in children's wards of university-affiliated hospitals, and at the same time a retrospective chart review of 50 consecutive cases of operation of acute appendicitis was carried out. Charts were analyzed by content analysis, and the results of the survey are reported with percentage distribution and nonparametric statistical calculations. ⋯ The documentation of pain care is unsystematic and does not support the continuity of care. There is a clear need for development of assessment and documentation practices in the studied hospitals. Future research should look at the postoperative care of pain at home as well as care in non-university-affiliated hospitals.
Multicenter Study
Risk factors for severe respiratory syncytial virus infection leading to hospital admission in children in the Western Region of The Gambia.
Acute lower respiratory tract infections (ALRI) are the major cause of mortality and morbidity in young children worldwide. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection is the most important viral cause of severe ALRI but only a small proportion of children infected with this virus develop severe disease. To identify possible risk factors for severe RSV infection leading to hospital admission we have carried out a case-control study of Gambian children with RSV infection admitted to hospital. ⋯ Risk factors for severe RSV infection identified in this study are not amenable to public health interventions. Prevention of severe infection is likely to require the development of an effective vaccine.
Bull. World Health Organ. · Jan 1997
Multicenter Study Comparative StudyPerformance of health workers after training in integrated management of childhood illness in Gondar, Ethiopia.
The performance of six primary health workers was evaluated after following a 9-day training course on integrated management of childhood illness (IMCI). The participants were selected from three primary health centres in the Gondar District, Ethiopia, and the course was focused on assessment, classification, and treatment of sick children (aged 2 months to 5 years) and on counselling of their mothers. Immediately following this training, a 3-week study was conducted in the primary health centres to determine how well these workers performed in assessing, classifying and treating the children and in counselling the mothers. ⋯ The mother's counselling card, which summarized recommendations on feeding and home fluids, and advice on when to return, was widely used to aid communication. The time taken to perform the complete management of children did not change significantly (20 to 19 minutes) during the study. Lessons from our findings have been incorporated into an improved version of the IMCI charts.