Articles: child.
Paediatric otorrhoea (PO) is a symptom-based diagnosis encompassing acute and chronic ear infections that cause otorrhoea in children and young people (CYP). ⋯ To the authors' knowledge, this is the first longitudinal population-based study investigating PO that demonstrates the burden on primary care. Antimicrobial prescribing predominantly follows National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidelines using oral amoxicillin. Aminoglycosides are the most frequently prescribed topical antibiotic despite the concern of ototoxicity.
Observational Study
Fluid Overload Modifies Hemodynamic Impact of CRRT: Evidence of a Covert Cardiorenal Syndrome?
Background: Fluid overload (FO) in critically ill children correlates with higher morbidity and mortality rates. Continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) is commonly employed to manage FO. In adults, both FO and CRRT adversely affect myocardial function. ⋯ Differences were noted in systemic vascular resistance index (1,277 [IQR 1088-1,666] vs. 1,030 [IQR 868-1,181] dynes/s/cm 5 /m 2 , P < 0.01), and cardiac index (3.90 [IQR 3.23-4.75] vs. 5.68 [IQR 4.65-6.32] L/min/m 2 , P < 0.01), with no differences in heart rate or mean arterial pressure between children with and without FO. Conclusion: FO affects the hemodynamic profile of children on CRRT, with those having FO >15% showing higher systemic vascular resistance index and lower cardiac index, despite heart rate and mean arterial pressure remaining unchanged. Our study illustrates the feasibility and utility of electrocardiometry in these patients, suggesting future research employ this technology to further explore the hemodynamic effects of dialysis in children.
The association of sorbitol intake with maintaining healthy body weight through the gut microbiome during early life was investigated. ⋯ Sorbitol intake was associated with lower child and adolescent BMI. Sorbitol consumption could shape the composition and richness of beneficial microbiota, contributing to the maintenance of ideal body weight and metabolic homeostasis in early life.
Since April 2022, the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant has caused a notable increase in pediatric COVID-19 cases in Taiwan. During the acute phase of infection, some children required admissions to pediatric intensive care units (PICU). This study aimed to analyze their clinical presentations and outcomes while exploring associated factors. ⋯ Without available vaccinations and suitable treatment guidelines, children with COVID-19 tended to have more severe illness and prolonged LOS in the PICU. These observations highlight the importance of vaccinations and familiarity of medical providers with adequate management of this newly-emerging infectious disease.
Emerg Med Australas · Feb 2025
Somatic symptom and related disorders in a tertiary paediatric hospital: Characteristics of ED use prior to admission.
Somatic symptom and related disorders (SSRDs) are complex disorders that are commonly encountered in tertiary paediatric settings. Despite this, little is known about ED use prior to hospital admission. We aimed to describe the pattern of ED use in a cohort of children and adolescents who were subsequently admitted to hospital with SSRD and to identify factors associated with ED presentations. ⋯ Children and adolescents with SSRD who go on to have a hospital admission present frequently to EDs, especially in the setting of pain symptoms. Training of ED clinicians in diagnosing SSRD appears indicated, as is the development of local care pathways that may obviate the need for hospital admission in at least some patients.