Articles: child.
Pediatric emergency care · Jan 2025
Multicenter StudyThe Impact of COVID-19 on Patterns of Fractures Presenting to Pediatric Emergency Departments.
To examine differences in pediatric fracture prevalence, severity, and mechanisms of injury before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. ⋯ Despite a decrease in fracture-related visits to urban pediatric EDs during the early COVID-19 pandemic, there was an increase in the proportion of ED visits for children younger than 5 years and higher severity injuries. These findings highlight injury epidemiology pattern shifts that occurred during the pandemic. Identifying higher-risk populations for fracture may help guide targeted education and prevention efforts.
Anesthesia and analgesia · Jan 2025
Multicenter Study Observational StudyFactors Associated With Decision to Use and Dosing of Sugammadex in Children: A Retrospective Cross-Sectional Observational Study.
Sugammadex was initially approved for reversal of neuromuscular blockade in adults in the United States in 2015. Limited data suggest sugammadex is widely used in pediatric anesthesia practice however the factors influencing use are not known. We explore patient, surgical, and institutional factors associated with the decision to use sugammadex versus neostigmine or no reversal, and the decision to use 2 mg/kg vs 4 mg/kg dosing. ⋯ Variation in sugammadex use was primarily explained by institution and attending anesthesiologist. Patient factors associated with the decision to use sugammadex included younger age, higher doses of neuromuscular blocking agents, and increased medical complexity.
Pediatr Crit Care Me · Jan 2025
Multicenter StudyProtocol for the Catheter-Related Early Thromboprophylaxis With Enoxaparin (CRETE) Studies.
In post hoc analyses of our previous phase 2b Bayesian randomized clinical trial (RCT), prophylaxis with enoxaparin reduced central venous catheter (CVC)-associated deep venous thrombosis (CADVT) in critically ill older children but not in infants. The goal of the Catheter-Related Early Thromboprophylaxis with Enoxaparin (CRETE) Studies is to investigate this newly identified age-dependent heterogeneity in the efficacy of prophylaxis with enoxaparin against CADVT in critically ill children. ⋯ Randomization is 2:1 to enoxaparin or usual care (no enoxaparin) for older children and 1:1:1 to either of 2 anti-Xa ranges of enoxaparin or usual care for infants. Ultrasonography will be performed after removal of CVC to assess for CADVT. Subjects will be monitored for bleeding. Platelet poor plasma will be analyzed for markers of thrombin generation. Samples from subjects with CADVT will be counter-matched 1:1 to subjects without CADVT from the opposite trial arm. Institutional Review Board approved the "CRETE Studies" on July 1, 2021. Enrollment is ongoing with planned completion in July 2025 for older children and July 2026 for infants.
Pediatric emergency care · Jan 2025
Case Reports Multicenter StudyHair Today, OR Tomorrow: A Multicenter Case Series of Gastric Bezoars in Children Diagnosed With Point-of-Care Ultrasound.
Point-of-care ultrasound (POCUS) can expedite the diagnosis of pediatric abdominal pathologies including appendicitis and intussusception. In this patient series, we present cases from multiple pediatric emergency departments that demonstrate the use of POCUS in the diagnosis of trichobezoars in children. POCUS findings include the presence of an intragastric hyperechoic mass or a hyperechoic arch and associated posterior acoustic shadowing. These findings in the appropriate clinical context should prompt further diagnostic imaging and/or surgical consultation for removal.
Comment Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study Comparative Study
A Digital Health Behavior Intervention to Prevent Childhood Obesity: The Greenlight Plus Randomized Clinical Trial.
Infant growth predicts long-term obesity and cardiovascular disease. Previous interventions designed to prevent obesity in the first 2 years of life have been largely unsuccessful. Obesity prevalence is high among traditional racial and ethnic minority groups. ⋯ A health literacy-informed digital intervention improved child weight-for-length trajectory across the first 24 months of life and reduced childhood obesity at 24 months. The intervention was effective in a racially and ethnically diverse population that included groups at elevated risk for childhood obesity.