Articles: child.
Pediatric emergency care · Nov 2024
Multicenter Study Comparative StudyComparing the Use of Crotaline-Polyvalent Immune Fab (Ovine) Versus Observation in Children.
In the United States, studies are inconclusive regarding the indications for polyvalent antivenom administration for crotaline envenomation. We compared polyvalent antivenom administration versus observation used at 2 separate institutions. We hypothesized that deferring antivenom leads to increased hospital length of stay and surgical interventions. ⋯ The use of antivenom did not impact hospital length of stay or surgical interventions. Our results should be interpreted cautiously as our study reflects regional experiences with snake species in the Southeast United States and not North America as a whole. Other institutional differences in management and smaller n at MCJCHV may have contributed to different outcomes. Further study is needed to determine intermediate and long-term effects of deferring antivenom use.
Pediatr Crit Care Me · Oct 2024
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study Pragmatic Clinical TrialEthnicity and Observed Oxygen Saturations, Fraction of Inspired Oxygen, and Clinical Outcomes: A Post Hoc Analysis of the Oxy-PICU Trial of Conservative Oxygenation.
A conservative oxygenation strategy, targeting peripheral oxygen saturations (Sp o2 ) between 88% and 92% in mechanically ventilated children in PICU, was associated with a shorter duration of organ support and greater survival compared with Sp o2 greater than 94% in our recent Oxy-PICU trial. Sp o2 monitors may overestimate arterial oxygen saturation (Sa o2 ) in patients with higher levels of skin pigmentation compared with those with less skin pigmentation. We investigated if ethnicity was associated with changes in distributions of Sp o2 and F io2 and outcome. ⋯ These data do not suggest that the association between improved outcomes and conservative oxygenation strategy in mechanically ventilated children in PICU is modified by ethnicity.
Pediatr Crit Care Me · Oct 2024
Multicenter StudyDelirium Screening in Critically Ill Children: Secondary Analysis of the Multicenter PICU Up! Pilot Trial Dataset, 2019-2020.
To determine the patient-level factors associated with performing daily delirium screening in PICUs with established delirium screening practices. ⋯ In the 2019-2020 PICU UP! cohort, across six PICUs, delirium screening occurred on only 57% of days, despite the presence of established practices. Female gender, patients in the early stages of their PICU stay, and patients not receiving mechanical ventilation were associated with lower odds of daily delirium screening. Our results highlight the need for structured quality improvement processes to both standardize and increase the frequency of delirium screening.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study Comparative Study
A multicenter randomized trial to compare automatic versus as-needed follow-up for children hospitalized with common infections: The FAAN-C trial protocol.
Physicians commonly recommend automatic primary care follow-up visits to children being discharged from the hospital. While automatic follow-up provides an opportunity to address postdischarge needs, the alternative is as-needed follow-up. With this strategy, families monitor their child's symptoms and decide if they need a follow-up visit in the days after discharge. In addition to being family centered, as-needed follow-up has the potential to reduce time and financial burdens on both families and the healthcare system. As-needed follow-up has been shown to be safe and effective for children hospitalized with bronchiolitis, but the extent to which hospitalized children with other common conditions might benefit from as-needed follow-up is unclear. ⋯ FAAN-C will elucidate the relative benefits of an as-needed versus automatic follow-up recommendation, informing one of the most common decisions faced by families of hospitalized children and their medical providers. Findings from FAAN-C will also have implications for national quality metrics and guidelines.
Multicenter Study Observational Study
Factors Associated With Recurrent Pediatric Firearm Injury : A 10-Year Retrospective Cohort Analysis.
Firearm injuries are the leading cause of death among children aged 0 to 17 years in the United States. ⋯ National Institutes of Health.