Articles: child.
Data from large case series of children with cerebral thrombotic events are pivotal to improve prevention, early recognition and treatment of these conditions. The Italian Registry of Pediatric Thrombosis (R. I. T. I.) was established in 2007 by a multidisciplinary team, aiming for a better understanding of neonatal and paediatric thrombotic events in Italy and providing a preliminary source of data for the future development of specific clinical trials and diagnostic-therapeutic protocols. We analysed data relative to the paediatric cerebral thrombotic events of the R. I. T. I. which occurred between January 2007 and June 2012. ⋯ Time to diagnosis exceeded 24 hours in 46 % AIS and 59 % CSVT. Overall data from the Italian Registry are in substantial agreement with those from the literature, despite small differences. Among these, a longer time to diagnosis compared to other registries and case series poses the accent to the need of an earlier recognition of paediatric cerebrovascular events in Italy, in order to enable prompt and effective treatment strategies.
Multicenter Study
Impact of Just-in-Time and Just-in-Place Simulation on Intern Success With Infant Lumbar Puncture.
Simulation-based skill trainings are common; however, optimal instructional designs that improve outcomes are not well specified. We explored the impact of just-in-time and just-in-place training (JIPT) on interns' infant lumbar puncture (LP) success. ⋯ Across multiple institutions, intern success rates with infant LP are poor. Despite improving process measures, adding JIPT to training bundles did not improve success rate. More research is needed on optimal instructional design strategies for infant LP.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study
Differential Improvements in Student Fruit and Vegetable Selection and Consumption in Response to the New National School Lunch Program Regulations: A Pilot Study.
To investigate changes in student food selection and consumption in response to the new National School Lunch Program meal patterns during fall 2011. ⋯ More intervention students selected fruit and vegetables at lunch and consumed them compared with control condition students. Future studies with larger and more diverse student populations are warranted.
Multicenter Study
SRS-7: A Valid, Responsive, Linear, and Unidimensional Functional Outcome Measure for Operatively Treated Patients With AIS.
Comparison of the Scoliosis Research Society-22 (SRS-22) questionnaire with a 7-item Rasch-derived questionnaire (SRS-7). ⋯ 4.
Randomized Controlled Trial Multicenter Study Comparative Study
Continuous positive airway pressure with helmet versus mask in infants with bronchiolitis: an RCT.
Noninvasive continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is usually applied with a nasal or facial mask to treat mild acute respiratory failure (ARF) in infants. A pediatric helmet has now been introduced in clinical practice to deliver CPAP. This study compared treatment failure rates during CPAP delivered by helmet or facial mask in infants with respiratory syncytial virus-induced ARF. ⋯ These findings confirm that CPAP delivered by helmet is better tolerated than CPAP delivered by facial mask and requires less sedation. In addition, it is safe to use and free from adverse events, even in a prolonged clinical setting.